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Hospitality & Healing Svcs. Domain: Update Domain Team Lead: Doug Della Pietra Director, Customer Svcs & Volunteers Rochester General Hospital, Rochester,

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Presentation on theme: "Hospitality & Healing Svcs. Domain: Update Domain Team Lead: Doug Della Pietra Director, Customer Svcs & Volunteers Rochester General Hospital, Rochester,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hospitality & Healing Svcs. Domain: Update Domain Team Lead: Doug Della Pietra Director, Customer Svcs & Volunteers Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY

2 Hospitality & Healing Svcs. Domain Learning Objectives & Assignments Learning ObjectivesTeam Member Assignment #1 Define ‘hospitality’ within healthcare, identifying the scope and core services that contribute to its function Colleen Sweeney #2 Define ‘healing’, identifying the optimum environment for its occurrence, including the various “healing services.” Margo Halm #3 Designate the key behaviors, assumptions, attitudes, values and skills necessary to foster culture of patient and family centeredness Lisa DiTroia #4 Explain evidence-based practices for introducing healing touchpoints that positively impact the patient experience. Doug Della Pietra (Domain Team Leader) #5 Understand how to measure, sustain programs and build ongoing communication to promote these services to engage staff, align leadership, and garner support from the community Darrell Atkin

3 Hospitality & Healing Svcs. Domain: Next Steps ObjectiveActionsDate/Timeframe Between Meeting Homework Identify and develop section material and outline concepts and key learning components, supporting resources/materials, and suggested assessment questions Based on team member assignment to one of Domain Learning Objectives, team members will 1.Identify and develop sections associated with their assigned learning objectives; 2.Outline the Concepts to be addressed within each Section; 3.Specify key learning components/points and takeaways; 4.Note any supporting resources/materials used in development; & 5.Highlight suggested assessment questions for learning objective  Email to Doug By end of Tuesday, September 11 th Meeting #4 Review Each Individual Team Member’s Work for Team Input/Guidance Team members will review the draft of their work for team input 1.Identify/develop sections associated with assigned learning objectives; 2.Outline the Concepts to be addressed within each Section; 3.Specify key learning components/points and takeaways; 4.Note any supporting resources/materials used in development; & 5.Highlight suggested assessment questions for learning objective. Phone and WebEx meeting Friday, Sept. 14 th Post-Meeting Homework Complete 2 nd draft of learning objective sections, concepts, & key learnings based on team input  Each team member completes second draft of learning objectives, sections, on developing “Sections” and “Concepts” for individual learning objective sections, concepts and key learnings  Email to Doug By end of Thursday, Sept. 27 th Meeting #5 Final Review  Review and finalize each team member’s 2 nd draft of sections, concepts, key learning points, supporting resources/materials, and suggested assessment questions Phone and WebEx meeting Week of October 1 st Complete Final “Domain Template”  Submit finalized “Domain Template to The Beryl InstituteBy Friday, October 12 th

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