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 Welcome and introductions  Results of Strategic Planning Survey  Updates from Subcommittees  Tips for Moving Forward  Guest Speaker: Greg Matthews.

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome and introductions  Results of Strategic Planning Survey  Updates from Subcommittees  Tips for Moving Forward  Guest Speaker: Greg Matthews."— Presentation transcript:


2  Welcome and introductions  Results of Strategic Planning Survey  Updates from Subcommittees  Tips for Moving Forward  Guest Speaker: Greg Matthews (USGS)  Next Steps


4  10 respondents  9 jurisdictions/business partners represented Exercise your right to vote!

5 Two New Subcommittees! Boundaries Census Two New Teams! Standards and Policy Technical

6  Common Space  Built Environment  Planimetrics  DRAPP  Streets  Boundaries  Census  Tech Team  Policy Team

7  Definition of Team:  Do not dissolve like subcommittees that spin up to produce specific datasets. Teams provide ongoing support for subcommittees.  Tech Team  Technical aspects of sharing data  Troubleshooting/Tech Support  Data Model Advice  Standards and Policy Team  Policy aspects of data sharing  Standards for data and metadata  Data governance

8  Time allotment  Most popular is 1-3 hours per week  Subcommittee size  Nothing conclusive


10  Where we’ve been Constituents…Jefferson & Arapahoe Counties; Cities of Denver, Aurora & Commerce City, Denver Water COMap…data update process idiosyncrasies, future base map Surveyed…users perspective TPL…assisted in equity analysis of access to open space, trails and gap analysis of riparian protection areas Draft Data Schema developed

11  Where we are Today Data Schema…to react to Outdated dataset Determine future objectives  Contact: Nick Meyers at 303.289.8121, or Robin Reilley at 303.480.6739  Next Steps Develop!… new Regional Common Spaces data set  Research required Determine new partners, contact agencies Assess resource availability Trails…work for this committee? Next meeting

12  Chair: Christine Connally –  Co-Chair: Kirk Hayer  Objective:  Shareable Data Model  Ongoing Data Maintenance/Updates  Schedule  Focusing on Land Use Model – Spring and Summer 2012  QAQC – Fall 2012  Next Meeting: June 20, 8:30-10am Independence Pass

13  Chair: Ashley Summers –  Co-Chair:  Accomplishments  Preliminary cost estimates  Compiled prelim requirements from several partners  Challenges:  Variables – existing data vs. new creation, compromising on features and attribution  Currently working on…  Data Model Draft  Gathering AOIs from participants  Timeline:  Last Meeting: April 27  Next Meeting: June 27, 8:30-10am, DRCOG Monarch Pass

14  Chair: Ashley Summers –  Accomplishments  3 Project Areas Flown successfully  Interim Data Available in WMS  38 Partners  Schedule:  Flying Mountainous Region in June  Meetings:  Last Meeting: April 27  Next Meeting: June 27, 10:30-Noon, DRCOG Independence Pass

15 Greg Baca Adams Co Dominick CissonArapahoe Co Ryan HuffmanArapahoe Co Sargent McDonald Arvada Bill Keever Aurora Rick Rush Aurora Aaron Rhodes CDOT Derek Stertz Centennial Megan BleessCentennial Kirk Hayer Commerce City Cindy MurdockCommerce City Paul Tessar (Chair) Denver Doug GenzerDenver Brenda Reum Denver Water Dave Dixon DIA Joel R. Hanson Douglas Co Matt Krusemark DRCOG Josh Pendleton DRCOG Robin Reilley DRCOG Justin Lewis DRCOG John Voboril Englewood Jack Cornelius Greenwood Village Calli Broome Jefferson Co Carlos Vulgamot Lakewood Jeremy Manning Metcom911 Dan Jackson RTD Dave Murray Westminster Annabel Montoya Wheat Ridge

16  Agreement Points Project status report.  What’s next on Regional CL geometry integration?  What about attribute content and integration?

17  Phase 1 Project is complete:  N = 2351 points covering 750 County Border miles.  8/10 NCR Counties’ street layers will be snapped and uploaded to NCR Repository by July.  Adams and Gilpin Co. are lagging…  13 Counties collaborated:  10 NCR, Weld, Larimer & Park  11 Cities as well:  Arvada, Aurora, Centennial, Commerce City  Englewood, Greenwood Village, Lakewood  Longmont, Thornton, Westminster, Wheat Ridge


19  Phase 2 effort has started:  12 Groupings have been organized.  Anticipating ~4500 points covering 900 Border miles  Covers City/City and City/Unincorporated boundaries.  Expected to be complete by late Fall.  5 Counties Collaborating:  Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas and Weld  14 Cities as well:  Arvada, Aurora, Boulder, Centennial,  Commerce City, Englewood, Erie, Federal Heights  Greenwood Village, Longmont, Northglenn, Thornton  Westminster, Wheat Ridge

20  Grouping 1 – Meeting Date TBD  Adams County - Greg Baca  Adams County - Fran Valenta  Arvada - Sargent McDonald  Westminster - Dave Murray  Wheat Ridge - Annabel Montoya  Grouping 2 - Meeting Date TBD  Adams County - Greg Baca  Adams County - Fran Valenta  Commerce City - Rose Clawson  Grouping 3 – May 8, 2012  Aurora - Bill Keever  Arapahoe County - Ryan Huffman  Grouping 4 – May 30, 2012  Arapahoe County - Ryan Huffman  Englewood - John Voboril  Grouping 5 – May 17, 2012  Arapahoe County - Ryan Huffman  Centennial - Megan Bleess  Grouping 6 – May 22, 2012  Boulder County - Mark Mullane  City of Boulder - Kip White  Grouping 7 – Meeting Date TBD  Longmont - Lisa Schertz  Boulder County - Mark Mullane  Erie - Deb Jenkins  Grouping 8 – Meeting Date TBD  Commerce City - Rose Clawson  Thornton - Liz Kienle  Westminster - Dave Murray  Federal Heights - Robert Smith  Northglenn - Amy Ward  Grouping 9 – Meeting Date TBD  Weld County - Dan Huerter  Longmont - Lisa Schertz  Erie - Deb Jenkins  Northglenn - Amy Ward  Grouping 10 – June 21, 2012  Adams County - Greg Baca  Adams County - Fran Valenta  Aurora - Bill Keever  Grouping 11 – June 21, 2012  Adams County - Greg Baca  Adams County - Fran Valenta  Thornton - Liz Kienle  Grouping 12 – Meeting Date TBD  Aurora - Bill Keever  Centennial - Megan Bleess  Greenwood Village - Jack Cornelius  Douglas County - Joel Hanson


22  When Phase 2 is complete, we will have the geometric basis for a seamless, routable, regional centerline layer.  (Assuming all participants snap to agreement points.)  The integration infrastructure for County-wide data for the Metro area is in place @ – ETL  The next challenge is to develop process to incorporate City-maintained data:  City->County->NCR/DRDC?  City->NCR/DRDC?  Other?

23  Attributes currently on the NCR Common data model:  Left/Right & From/To Address, Zip  FULL_NAME and Parts, CFCC, Class  From/To Z_Elev, Speed_Lim, Left/Right Juris;  Attributes that will be added in 2013:  Alias, HwyShieldNum;  ProviderID & Turn Restrictions;  Left/Right City & County will replace Left/Right Juris  Of course, adding an attribute column and getting it populated are two separate tasks…  Focus among NCR Counties will be getting current and new attributes populated and uploaded.

24  Questions?  Contact Information:  Paul Tessar 720-913-4882  Frank Orr 303-885-4781

25  Chair: Josh Pendleton –  Co-Chair: Greg Baca, Adams County  Prelim Objective:  A regional jurisdiction boundary dataset with agreed upon boundaries that we can consider official  This dataset would serve as a template for future datasets, and from that point on we would only have to worry about changes when specific annexations or de- annexations occur.  Accomplishments:  DRCOG Produces an annual Municipal Boundary Dataset we can reference.  The Streets Subcommittee/NCR came up with agreement points we can use to resolve discrepancies  Challenges: Coming to agreement on boundary discrepancies, whether we use NCR agreement points or not.  Next Meeting: Wed. Jun. 20 th, 10am-12pm (Independence Pass, DRCOG)

26  Chair: Josh Pendleton –  Co-Chair: Dave Murray, City of Westminster  Prelim Objective: Producing a list of standardized, user friendly, Demographic Census products at all geographic levels  Accomplishments: DRCOG has some basic Census Demographic data up on the Regional Data Catalog, at 6 different levels of Geography:  CBSA (Core Based Statistical Areas)  Counties  Census Designated Places  Tracts  Block Groups  Blocks (Centroids)  Challenges:  Dealing with the large amount of Census Data  Census Data Formats vary  Census Data accessibility/user friendliness varies by Census data types  Next Meeting: Wed. Jul. 11 th, 10am-12pm (Independence Pass, DRCOG)

27  Chair: Justin Lewis –  Co-Chair: Allan Glen – City and County of Denver  Prelim Objective:  Support each sub-committee with technical solutions for sharing data throughout the sub-committee life cycle.  Possible Areas of Support along the Sub-Committee Life Cycle:  Initial Data Collection  Merge & format data into a common data model  Re-distribute data back to the sub-committee members  Data Processing  Collect and merge regular updates from sub-committee members  Data Sharing  Make interim data products available to sub-committee members  Make data available through the DRCOG Regional Data Catalog

28  Challenges:  Every sub-committee has different needs and different technical limitations. We strive to create solutions that work for each sub-committee.  Next Steps:  Work with each sub-committee to determine technical needs.  Develop the strategy for supporting those needs.  Next Meeting: 3:30 – 4:30 pm June 13 th @ DRCOG Red Mountain Pass

29  Chair: Ashley Summers –  Co-Chair:  Prelim Objective: address topics like data sharing, governance, and quality standards for our data and metadata.  Next Meeting:  June 26 from 3pm to 4:30pm @ DRCOG


31 1. Set an Objective 2. Develop of Schedule 3. Develop a Data Model 4. Develop a Data Merge Plan 5. Build the Data 6. QAQC 7. Develop Metadata 8. Develop a Data Sharing Plan 9. Develop an Update Plan 10. Publish to Regional Data Catalog 11. Celebrate Success!!! 12. Dissolve Subcommittee 13. Focus on Next Dataset/ Subcommittee Priority

32 Step 1: Set an Objective  Guiding Questions:  Who are our customers?  What gaps exist in our data that we need to fill?  What problems exist that we need to solve?  Tip:  Look for low-hanging-fruit, instead of pie-in-the-sky

33 Step 2: Develop a Schedule  Break your objective down into pieces and make those into milestones.  Work backwards from the next meeting.

34 Step 3: Develop a Data Model  Start with a definition discussion.  Make sure everyone agrees on what Data Model means.  Don’t reinvent the wheel!  Get some examples (past local projects, ESRI)

35 What can your Subcommittee contribute? Agendas and Meeting Minutes Schedule Upcoming Meetings Data Products Other? Rollout = June/July


37 Greg Matthews (USGS) National Map Corps Structures VGI Project


39  No meeting in July.  Meet again in September (9/26/2012)  Gives the subcommittee 4 months to make progress!  Meet with your subcommittees!  Check in with DRCOG!  Get advice from the teams!  Check the website for information!  Review the Project Lifecycle

40 1. Set an Objective 2. Develop of Schedule 3. Develop a Data Model 4. Develop a Data Merge Plan 5. Build the Data 6. QAQC 7. Develop Metadata 8. Develop a Data Sharing Plan 9. Develop an Update Plan 10. Publish to Regional Data Catalog 11. Celebrate Success!!! 12. Dissolve Subcommittee 13. Focus on Next Dataset/ Subcommittee Priority

41  Open Space -  Built Environment - June 20, 8:30-10am DRCOG Independence Pass  Planimetrics – June 27, 8:30-10am, DRCOG Monarch Pass  DRAPP – June 27, 10:30-Noon, DRCOG Independence Pass  Streets – August TBD  Boundaries – June 20, 10am-12pm, Independence Pass  Census –July 11, 10am-12pm, Independence Pass  Tech Team – June 13 th, 3:30 – 4:30pm, DRCOG Red Mountain Pass  Policy Team – June 26, 3-4:30pm, DRCOG Wolf Creek Pass Volunteers are needed! Contact a Co-Chair today!


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