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More than “Just a Number”: Assessment & Collaboration in a First Year Experience (FYE)/Information Literacy Program Indiana University Libraries Information.

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2 More than “Just a Number”: Assessment & Collaboration in a First Year Experience (FYE)/Information Literacy Program Indiana University Libraries Information Literacy Colloquium August 3, 2012 Presenters: Hilary Writt Belinda Yff

3 Methods for successful faculty/librarian collaboration. The usefulness and relevance of selected evaluation tools. Some tools that can be used in assessing the outcomes of an IL program.

4 A decision was made to incorporate more information literacy skills into the College Success Skills course. (Louisville) 1999: Opening of the new Sullivan University Library. (Lexington) 2001: Move to a new campus/improvements to the Learning Resource Center.

5 Retention “The goal of FYE 101 is to “enhance student persistence… by addressing the academic, planning, and personal needs of students through group and individual guidance.” (Dr. Daniel, 2007) The goal of the library component is for students to effectively use library resources and conduct research so they can be successful in their future classes, leading up to graduation. Ideally, all 1 st quarter students take FYE 101: Information Literacy.

6 Librarians ‘subject experts.’ Assist faculty. Increase student recognition of library staff. Shows that the faculty value the library and information literacy. Makes implementation and assessment possible. Synergetic relationship that filters to other programs.

7 Email Meetings Mentoring & Liaisoning Web resources

8 Informal e-mails Alert to recent website or database changes Schedule class visits or tours Clarify any questions Formal e-mails Submit longitudinal data Deliver necessary start of quarter and end of quarter instructions Schedule campus meetings

9 Informal Formal All-campuses Present longitudinal data Discuss goals & objectives Introduce and evaluate future ideas (e.g. online testing, new assignments) Create time for faculty to share experiences Give updated materials to faculty for the quarter Revise assignments

10 Librarian liaisons with General Education faculty. – The Louisville and Lexington campuses have a dedicated FYE librarian who works with an FYE faculty coordinator. Partnership with new student mentor program. – Lexington librarian member of new student mentor committee – Student mentors visit FYE classes

11 Information literacy terms like: scholarly journals, invisible web, and Boolean operators Library handouts and worksheets Supplemental activities

12 Librarian participation in class Scavenger hunts/ Library visits Handouts/ Assignments

13 INVOLVEMENT Librarians invited as guest speakers. Orientation to library resources, instruction about databases, internet, library resources. ASSISTANCE Especially, for new instructors, librarians are resource persons. May teach the library (information literacy) component if needed. PARTICIPATION Create/participate in active learning activities. Examples: “Library Olympics,” Dewey Decimal Races, Database Jeopardy, Activity Supplements Folder, Were You Hoaxed? AVAILABILITY Students and faculty can always reach out and/or work with a librarian outside of class. Research “coupons.”

14 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 “Other Databases” “Other Databases” ProQuest EBSCOhost Where to Go Where to Go GOODLUCK!GOODLUCK!

15 True or False? You cannot access the electronic databases off-campus. What is… False? “Where to Go” for $100

16 ~~~~ FREE RESEARCH HELP~~~~ Present this coupon at the LRC Reference Desk to get free research assistance. NO EXPIRATION DATE ~~~~ FREE RESEARCH HELP~~~~ Present this coupon at the LRC Reference Desk to get free research assistance. NO EXPIRATION DATE ~~~~ FREE RESEARCH HELP~~~~ Present this coupon at the LRC Reference Desk to get free research assistance. NO EXPIRATION DATE

17 Students explore the library on their own and complete a worksheet. Individual Surviving the Library The Library Mystery Tour Group

18 Gain knowledge about the library, services, and resources. Lessen “fear” of the library. Complete a worksheet Introduce themselves to a library staff member Go to the different areas of the library

19 Welcome! How well do you know your library? Can you locate print information quickly? Or… is it a JUNGLE OUT THERE? Accuracy and speed count in… SURVIVING THE LIBRARY!

20 “The Disappearance of Chef Ally Gratin”

21 Developed from information literacy objectives and student needs. 2 different sets of assignments/exercises Available in print and online Recognized Information literacy standards Overall FYE 101 objectives Alternate between quarters Convenience of faculty/students Online version on library’s website



24 Collaboration on activities is not always successful. But… it’s important to try! Examples of ideas that did not “quite work out”: Group Wiki Activity Independent Study Groups Budgeting Component Beginning of Quarter Visits

25 Pre & Post Tests Objective Subjective Evaluation Surveys

26 Objective 1: Search abilities Objective 2: Ability to use evaluation guidelines Objective 3: Skill with the SUS website (catalog and DDC) Objective 4: Understanding differences between Internet, databases, and print Objective 5: Ability to identify popular and scholarly resources Objective 6: Ability to demonstrate proper usage of etiquette and protocol regarding plagiarism Each question is aligned with one of the six objectives Administered at the beginning and end of the quarter. Scores analyzed to determine improvement

27 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Objective 5 Objective 6

28 Who? Input from faculty members Revisions made by librarians When? Tests evaluated each quarter Why? Information changed Keep the integrity of the test Questions with high-miss rates

29 Request Request to administer tests totally online and receive results in a timely manner. The online testing instrument must use resources already available. Experimentation Brainstorming with involved faculty, IT, and library staff. Initial decision to use Google Docs as the vehicle for administration. Results can be downloaded to a spreadsheet. Security of tests was an issue. Success!! Library has a subscription to Survey Monkey (a survey tool). Time limits and passwords can be set. Results can be compiled in a spreadsheet. Testing has been done for several quarters with minimal problems.






35 When: Administered each quarter following completion of the library component of FYE Who: All students in FYE (both on-campus and off- campus)

36 Presentation of IL component (was the information clear and organized?) Usefulness of information for future classes Classroom environment (freedom to ask questions, equipment and databases easy to use? Understanding of information prior to compared to after IL component Speed and time allowed for component Most helpful information gained and “what did you like the most?” Demographic questions (is this your first time to take the class, etc.?) Suggestions for improvements


38 Semi-annual meeting with FYE & Gen Ed Faculty/ Librarians Compile annual statistical report Test scores Student evaluation responses Continuous “tweaks” as needed Communication (formal and informal)

39 Yearly statistical report created. Report compared to previous statistics. Use ranking system (1 to 5) with many questions.


41 Example: Averages of the evaluation questions from 2000 - 2011

42 How are the FYE students and faculty doing? Evaluations Overall, students appear satisfied happy with the information literacy (library component): Average evaluation questions ranking of 4.31 from Fall 2010 to Summer 2011 (5 is the highest ranking) From 2000 to Fall 2010, the rankings ranged from 4.13 to 4.36.

43 How are the FYE students and faculty doing? Evaluations The majority of students feel that their knowledge of databases, internet, and print resources has improved following the library component. My understanding of the ELECTRONIC DATABASES PRIOR to the library component was... Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Fall 2010- Summer 2011 Above average 13.0%39 16.0% Average 39.9%120 35.4% Below average 47.2%142 48.6% My understanding of ELECTRONIC DATABASES AFTER the library component was... Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Fall 2010- Summer 2011 Above average 47.6%141 49.0% Average 50.0%148 48.2% Below average 2.4%7 2.8%

44 How are the FYE students and faculty doing? Test Scores There is significant improvement from the pre-test to the post-test. Scores ranged from 61 to 66% (pre-test) and 80% to 85% (post-test) from Fall 2002 to Summer 2011.

45 Forcing students to use Sullivan's Library was very much informative for me. I had no idea of the options to retrieve info before this class. This was all new to me and I'm glad I ran into it. Some people (like me) are scared to use a computer. My fears are more at ease after this class. I believe the library component was just right for a 1st quarter student such as myself. We learned a lot and by having the handouts to go back and refer to in the future is a great help. This is my first year here at college. Everything I am learning is helping my education after twenty five years. Before this class, i didn’t know anything about any of the databases but now I do, and I have already started using them as resources for other projects. The class was perfect. My instructor made sure that I as well as others understood everything well. I feel that nothing should be taken away. Also, nothing really needs to be added. It's great, and I learned a lot more than I knew about the internet thanks to this class.

46 Continue to make assessment count! Continued evaluation leading to revision and improvement Continued communication and collaboration


48 Hilary Writt ( Belinda Yff (

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