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ECRS – 2010 in Finland. What about it? Good location and interesting site (most N location); First time ECRS is in a Nordic country (Lodz-00, Moscow-02,

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Presentation on theme: "ECRS – 2010 in Finland. What about it? Good location and interesting site (most N location); First time ECRS is in a Nordic country (Lodz-00, Moscow-02,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECRS – 2010 in Finland

2 What about it? Good location and interesting site (most N location); First time ECRS is in a Nordic country (Lodz-00, Moscow-02, Florence-04, Lisbon-06, Kosice-08); Easy connection for both E- and W-europeans, Experience in medium size conference organizing: FP-2003, 2006, 2008; Space Climate 2004, 2006; Chapman-2004. Young, enthusiastic and experienced LOC; Wide range and 50-yr of CR research in Finland ;


4 The city of Turku (Åbo) Southwest coast of Finland (60.5 o N 22.3 o E) – 150 km from Helsinki – Famous for its archipelago A city of 175000 inhabitants – The oldest (XIII cent.) town and former capital of Finland (UNESCO heritage) – Famous Dom Cathedral and Castle – The European capital of culture 2011 A city of three universities – University of Turku – Åbo Akademi – Turku School of Economics and Business

5 Possible venues for ECRS 2010 University of Turku premises – can easily host more than 200 people Mauno Koivisto Centre – Auditorium for 260 people Spa Hotel Caribia – Auditorium and accommodation for several hundred people All venues offer modern conference facilities and on-site or nearby restaurants

6 Practical matters Fee: reasonable (including lunches, banquet, receprtion, etc.) Accomodation: from modern hotels to student’s lodgings (~25 Euro/day) Travel: – Direct flight connections from Stockholm, Copenhagen and Helsinki (Star Alliance and OneWorld), – Frequent trains (1-hr) or bus from Helsinki city or airport – A spectacular ferry trip from/to Stockholm – Train/bus connection from Russia (St.Petersburg & Moscow)

7 Main Organizers Eino Valtonen and students of the TU – LOC Ilya Usoskin + UO/CUPP staff – scientific organisation + on-site assitance Rami Vainio and students of the UH – practical support

8 CR in Finland: ground stations 1960s – muon detector and NM started in Turku; 1964 – a permanent cosmic ray station (NM + muon detector) installed in Oulu. 1980 – a hadron spectrometer launched in Turku. 1985 – a small shower array started in Turku. 2000 – multi-layer Muon UnderGround detector launched in a mine in Pyhäsalmi/Oulu. 2009 – EMMA to be launched in Pyhäsalmi/Oulu.

9 Space-borne missions Finnish institutions (FMI, HUT, OU, TU, etc.) participated in a number of space missions since 1990s. AMS Cassini Cluster Freja SOHO

10 CR research Data analysis and correction methods: Oulu group, Turku group A theory of CR transport in the heliosphere: Oulu group Solar energetic particles acceleration and transport: Turku and Helsinki groups. Terrestrial effects of CR: Oulu group Atmospheric showers study: CUPP + Oulu group

11 CR research in Finland Helsinki University – Theoretical research Solar energetic particles, corona and heliospheric transients Helsinki University of Technology – Experiment (space technology) Space Borne (AMS) Jyväskylä University, Helsinki Univ., Kuopio Univ., Tampere Univ. – Cosmic experiment at CERN (ALICE/ACORDE, CLOUD) Oulu University (Sodankylä Geophys. Observatory, CUPP, Dept. of Phys. Sciences): – Experiment: Ground-based (NM 1964  ; Muon telescope 1964-1980’s and 2000  ; Underground muon machine 2003  ); – Theoretical research Heliospheric transport of GCR; Solar energetic particles; Atmospheric showers; Terrestrial effect of CR. Turku University: – Experiment: Ground based (1960 – 1990); Space Borne (SOHO/ERNE), AMS; – Theoretical research Solar energetic particles;

12 Welcome to ECRS-2010 In Finland !

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