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Helsinki Node Report July 2010 - July 2011 Presented by Sirkka Heinonen and Juha Kaskinen Millennium Project 2011 Planning Committee Meeting, July 7-8.

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Presentation on theme: "Helsinki Node Report July 2010 - July 2011 Presented by Sirkka Heinonen and Juha Kaskinen Millennium Project 2011 Planning Committee Meeting, July 7-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helsinki Node Report July 2010 - July 2011 Presented by Sirkka Heinonen and Juha Kaskinen Millennium Project 2011 Planning Committee Meeting, July 7-8 2011 Vancouver, BC Canada

2 MEETINGS AND PERSONNEL Node meetings on Aug 24 2010, Nov 17 2010, Jan 28 2011 and May 24 2011 Node Members/Co-Chairs Dr. Mika Aaltonen STRAX, Aalto University Chair person in charge in 2011 Prof. Sirkka Heinonen, Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC), University of Turku Director Juha Kaskinen, Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC), University of Turku Dr. Osmo Kuusi, Finnish Parliament and VATT (Government Institute for Economic Research) Coordinator Sari Söderlund, Finland Futures Academy (FFA), University of Turku Chair person in charge in 2010

3 ACTIVITIES Participation in RTD questionnaires Invitation conveyed to MP Nodes to participate in a Delphi on the future of journalism (Heinonen, Sirkka & Kurki, Sofi: Rethinking the expertise of experts in assessing disruptive transformations. 4th International Seville Conference on Future-Orientated Technology Analysis, Seville May 7, 2011. 3/3b%20Creative%20futures/KurkiHeinonen.doc) Contribution to Mexican Node: Sirkka Heinonen’s reply to Concepcion Olaverrieta’s survey on the Goddesses of the Future

4 ACTIVITIES Presentations of all node members on the MP and methodology cd in various lectures, seminar and conferences Special promotion and demonstration of methods in Creative Foresight Space in Innopark Technology Centre in Hämeenlinna t/vidico/vidico_in_english/ Futures Research Methodology 3.0. in frequent use In various research projects In training and education programs of FFA and FFRC

5 Horizons of Futures Research and Education - Theories, Methods, Applications a two-days conference on research and education issues of futures studies. Time20-21 Oct 2011 PlaceShanghai, Fudan University of Nordic Centre The framework is global whereby sustainability and multidisciplinarity play a central role. By developing images of alternative futures there are new viewpoints and novel ideas towards more feasible futures. Important Dates Submission of Abstract 30 July 2011 Notification of Acceptance of Abstract 15 August 2011 Submission of Full paper 15 September 2011 Possible revisions to be made 30 September 2011 Closing Date for registration 14 October 2011 Abstracts Prof. Sirkka Heinonen, Registration Elisa Pöyhönen,, please give the following information: name, organization, special diets.

6 Northern Dimension of MP – Taking strategic steps towards expert network Arising co-operation with Northern Dimension Network (NDN) at Northern Dimension Institute, Lappeenranta Technical University. Extending the geographical coverage of the Helsinki node by creating partnerships. Re-organizing the node by including affiliated units and/or expert pools. Consolidating basis for increasing expertise with additional resources.

7 FINLAND FUTURES ACADEMY (FFA) Students of the Finland Futures Academy (FFA) at the Finland Futures Research Centre (University of Turku) won awards in the Association of Professional Futurists Student Recognition event for school year 2010. The judges for the event included professional futurists from around the world. The winners & papers are: StudentCourseStudyStatus Camilla Magnusson, Tampere University of Technology Futures Research in Practice TUTU3, Spring term 2010 A qualitative user evaluation of collocational topic networks as a text visualization method Third prize, category: Individual Student Paper Teea Palo, University of Oulu Post-graduate course: Asiantuntijat tulevaisuuden tietäjinä? (engl. Experts as fortune tellers?, MP Futures Forum, 2009) Knowledge of the future – subjective interpretations and true beliefs? Second prize, category: PhD Kalle Piirainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology Post-graduate course: Asiantuntijat tulevaisuuden tietäjinä? (engl. Experts as fortune tellers?, MP Futures Forum, 2009) Designing the Future use and evaluation of knowledge about the future Third prize, category: PhD Póth Attila, Török Tamás and Ádám Drobinoha, Corvinus University of Budapest Futures 1 “How can we explore the future?” The Role of Multiplayer Games in the Future First prize, category: Team Dániel Bartha, Csernyi Balázs and Noémi Szabari, Corvinus University of Budapest Futures 1 “How can we explore the future?” How will the Mobile Phone's Evolution Shape our Life in 2020? Second prize, category: Team

8 Thank you! Contacts of the Helsinki Node Sirkka Heinonen Juha Kaskinen Sari Söderlund Osmo Kuusi Mika Aaltonen Thank you! Contacts of the Helsinki Node Sirkka Heinonen Juha Kaskinen Sari Söderlund Osmo Kuusi Mika Aaltonen

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