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TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:

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Presentation on theme: "TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:"— Presentation transcript:

1 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; RPL (VÕTA) in Higher Education: Tallinn University Mari-Liis Keskpaik Tallinn University Student Counselor and RPL coordinator Tallinn University Career and Counseling Centre

2 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Regulations Tallinn University Study Regulations –Recognition of prior learning experience (chapter 3.9) –Sets the restrictions and possibilities for RPL at TU –Describes the RPL process and procedure at TU We recognise: –Previous studies (formal education) –Trainings and schoolings (non-formal education) –Work experience and voluntary service (informal education)

3 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; RPL can be used 1.Fulfilling admission requirements (MA and PhD curricula) If a MA or PhD curricula has admission requirements that have not been fulfilled formally, then it is possible to apply for recognition of prior learning experience so the requirements would be filled. If these requirements have been fulfilled (through RPL) it is possible to apply for the master/doctoral studies and start studying at the university. 2.Fulfilling the requirements of curriculum Previous studies, work etc experience can be recognised as part of studies, to continue interrupted studies, to change curricula or major. As a result the requirements (eg subjects) will be fulfilled and it is possible for the student to get their degree earlier or to study other subjects that he/she is interested in.

4 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; RPL takes place in the context of curriculum Recognition of prior learning is based on the substantial compatibility of the previously acquired knowledge, skills and experiences. The previous experience must respond to our curricula (it means that we cannot make a subject eg “working in company X” into our curricula). –It is important, that the previous experience would cover all the subjects’ (or modules’/curricula’) study outcomes (we compare the previous experience versus the subjects’ study outcomes). –It is not important when the experience has taken place, but it is important that its’ content would be up to date (eg introduction to the philosophy versus the IT subjects).

5 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; RPL process W I S H T O A P P L Y C O U N S E L L I N G A P P L I C A T I O N A S S E S S M E N T POSITIVE R E S U L T NEGATIVE R E S U L T REGULATIONSREGULATIONS REGULATIONSREGULATIONS

6 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Subjects of RPL: Applicant Wish and need to apply; Following the procedures and understanding the regulations; Motivation; Being aware of what they have learned; Getting to know the curricula and trying to understand the goals and study outcomes of the curricula; Analysing what has been learned; Collecting proof material; Filling in the necessary application; Taking responsibility that all the materials and documents are correct. (Materials: Marin Gross)

7 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Subjects of RPL: Counselor To introduce the RPL procedure and curricula; To help the applicant understand what he/she really knows and can do; Make the difference between experience and learning from an experience; Work with the applicants past, present and future; Reflect realistic demands; To show the applicant that he/she is being valued. (Materials: Marin Gross)

8 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Subjects of RPL: Assessor Has the experience in the assessed area; Has good knowledge of the curriculum contents and how it has been composed; Makes a decision in the context of curricula; Individual assessment; Assesses the learning outcomes that have been achieved during prior learning equivalent with the learning outcomes that are being achieved during formal studying; Is responsible of the quality of education: prior learning must meet the requirements of the curricula; Gives explanations, feedback and further recommendations to the applicant. (Materials: Marin Gross)

9 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Who are the assessors? In case of previous studies (formal learning) and fulfilling admission requirements: –Head of curriculum In case of work experience, trainings, voluntary work (non- formal, informal learning, complex applications): –Expert commission (4 members + head of curriculum or teaching staff) –The goal of the expert commisson is to ensure equal treatment for all the applicants in case of more complicated applications The assessment takes place in the HE institution. It is possible to invalove an expert outside from the university.

10 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; RPL application forms Form to fulfill the admission requirements –The prior learning must be compared with the admission requirements: “How have you gotten - through your prior learning (e.g work, trainings) - the same outcomes that the students, who study in this curriculum (eg on the BA level) have, so you know you’re able to manage on the MA level?” Includes the self- analysis part. Form to fulfill the requirements of the curricula –Similar with the previous form. The outcomes of prior learning must be compared with content and study outcomes of subjects that are in the curriculum: “How have you gotten through your previous experiences the same outcomes that the students, who take the course do?” Includes self-analysis. Form to transfer previous formal studies from other HE institution –For transfering the formal studies (eg from another university to TU) it is important that the study outcomes would be covered. Self-analysis is not needed.

11 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Documentation to prove the prior learning Formal learning –Diploma supplement Non-formal learning –Diplomas of schoolings or trainings Informal learning –Contracts, schedules of events, content of projects etc Other material that is necessary and proves the prior learning

12 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Assessment criterions for RPL application Previous experience and what has been learned from it is logically connected with the subjects’ (or modules’/ curriculum’) content and study outcomes; The analysis of what has been learned from the previous experience proves that all the study outcomes have been acquired; The application form has been filled correctly and the documentation that has been added is autenthentic. The assessor has the right to ask additional material, give additional task or have an interview with the applicant.

13 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Diploma supplement (national level) Previous studies will be marked to the diploma supplement with its original data, eg: * University of Helsinki Previous work experience, trainings, voluntary work etc will be marked on the diploma supplement as subject from Tallinn University, with the mark that it has been passed using RPL, eg: * RPL Cross-Cultural Psychology * 4 ECTSA (excellent)K. Tampere23.01.2003 Driving in the dark * 5 ECTSpassed(no name of the teacher) 18.10.2010

14 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Fees and charges RPL is free of charge for the applicant The work of counselors is being supported The work of assessors (complex cases) is being supported Support from the ESF, Program Primus

15 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Statistics (TU spring semester 2010) Fulfilling admission requirements –In total ~ 20 application Fulfilling the requirements of curriculum –Formal learning ~ 400 applications (~ 14 000 ECTS) –Non-formal and informal learning (including combined) ~ 50 applications (~ 500 ECTS) Conseling –Approximately 400 hours of counseling In total studying at Tallinn University –Approximately 10 000 students

16 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Other: RPL network in Estonia Coordinated by Archimedes Foundation, Program Primus (financed by ESF) 20 higher educational institutions Meetings ~4 times per year Work groups when necessary (eg qualification criterions, diploma supplement, application forms etc) Central trainings and other events National RPL statistics Raising awareness of the possibilities of RPL –RPL web page, RPL week in April, brochures, info materials, videos etc.

17 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; RPL quality criterions (national level) RPL is goal oriented; RPL process answers to the needs of the individual and is voluntary for the applicant; Procedure and instruments are reliable and based on agreed standards. Trust has an important role in the process; Assessors and counselors are competent, independent and impartial; Guaranteeing the quality of RPL is consistent and systematic process, the quality is being improved on an ongoing basis; When assessing RPL we follow the same principles.

18 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; So what do we do at TU to ensure the quality? General information, trainings, schoolings and supervision –Applicants (RPL process, self analysis) –University workers –Counselors (counseling in the context of RPL) –Assessors (assessment in the context of RPL) Assessment –Application forms - instruments –Assessment of informal and non-formal experience in expert commission –Right to appeal Cooperation –With other universities and social partners in Estonia –Learning from other countries’ experiences RPL work group in Tallinn University –Developing the activities based on collected feedback –Propositions for changes in the TU legislation

19 TLÜ Haapsalu Kolledž, Lihula mnt. 12, Haapsalu 90507; Tel: 472 0240; e-post:; Thank you!

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