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I NTRO TO I NFORMATION T ECHNOLOGY BTA30 2015. Unit 1: Digital Information Unit 2: Production Software describe the computer workstation environment,

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Presentation on theme: "I NTRO TO I NFORMATION T ECHNOLOGY BTA30 2015. Unit 1: Digital Information Unit 2: Production Software describe the computer workstation environment,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 1: Digital Information Unit 2: Production Software describe the computer workstation environment, using proper terminology; apply appropriate strategies when organizing and managing electronic files and folders; demonstrate effective use of tools and techniques of electronic research.. demonstrate the use of advanced features of word processing software to produce common business documents; demonstrate the ability to use advanced features of spreadsheet software to perform a variety of tasks; manage information, using database software; demonstrate the ability to use the features of a variety of design software applications to perform specific tasks.

3 Unit 3: Digital Information Unit 4: Business Communications communicate using accepted business standards and formats; demonstrate effective use of electronic communication tools; create a digital portfolio illustrating their information and communication technology competencies and skills. communicate using accepted business standards and formats; demonstrate effective use of electronic communication tools; create a digital portfolio illustrating their information and communication technology competencies and skills.

4 Unit 6: Ethics and Issues in Information and Communication Technology demonstrate an understanding of the legal, social, and ethical issues related to information and communication technology; analyse privacy and security issues related to conducting business electronically; summarize health and environmental issues related to the use of information and communication technology demonstrate an understanding of e-business concepts and operations; evaluate the impact of e-business; design and create an e-business website for a target audience. Unit 5: E-business

5 WHAT IS MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? Information technology ( IT ) is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware”

6 C LASS BRAINSTORM Make a list of as may information technologies as you can think of. Think to our daily life, activities! Think about new technologies How will your world be in 5 years?

7 C HANGES IT MAKES IN B USINESS Communicate across the globe Telecommute, work from virtual offices Outsourcing of work Atomization of operations Information overload Demand for more sophisticated tech to manage businesses New careers being formed

8 IT IMPACTS HUMAN CHANGES Three stages in the way IT changes humans: 1. Computers do the same job in a different way 2. The job changes 3. A change in society occurs Examples of this?

9 IT IMPACT ON H UMAN B EHAVIOR 3. What are some of the ethical challenges the development of information technology presents and continues to present in the business world?



12 How the Web Was Born The World Wide Web was originally developed in 1990 at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. The original idea came from a young computer scientist, Tim Berners-Lee. It's now managed by The World Wide Web Consortium. By 1998 there were 100 000 hosts By 2010 there are 234 000 000 websites To get a market of 50 Million People Participating: Radio took 38 years TV took 13 years Once it was open to the General Public, The Internet made to the 50 million person audience mark in just 4 years!!! In Jan 2010 there are 1.75 billion people online

13 bibliography August 22, 2010; August 24, 2010

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