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August 20051. 2 Outline 1. Setting the Scene 2. Special Education Support Service 3. SESS-Second Level.

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Presentation on theme: "August 20051. 2 Outline 1. Setting the Scene 2. Special Education Support Service 3. SESS-Second Level."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 20051

2 2 Outline 1. Setting the Scene 2. Special Education Support Service 3. SESS-Second Level

3 August 20053 1. Setting the Scene Inclusion Legislation Organisations & Personnel IEPs/Record Keeping Differentiation Allocation of Resources

4 August 20054 1. Setting the Scene Inclusion requires schools to adapt and develop their culture, management, organization, content, approaches to teaching and delivery of programmes to accommodate the educational needs of all students to the greatest possible extent. A process of increasing the participation of pupils in and reducing their exclusion from school curricula, cultures and communities - Booth and Ainscow, 1998.

5 August 20055 1. Setting the Scene An Appropriate Education Access to….. Participation in…. Benefit from…….

6 August 20056 1. Setting the Scene Legislation 1998 Education Act 2000 Equal Status Act 2000 Education Welfare Act 2004 EPSEN Act

7 August 20057 1. Setting the Scene Organisations & Personnel -National Council for Special Education (NCSE) -Special Education Support Service (SESS) -Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) -Resource Teachers (RT) -Special Education Needs Organisers (SENOs) -Associates

8 August 20058 1. Setting the Scene EPSEN Act National Disability Authority -Research National Council for Special Education – Expert Group

9 August 20059 1. Setting the Scene Differentiate by Content (Vary what I teach) - Complexity (Concrete, symbolic abstract) -Variety of Resources -Variety of Learning Environments Process (How will I teach) - Flash Cards -Teach aspects -Start with familiar or interest Outcome/Product (Vary expectation and /or reponse from student)

10 August 200510 2. Special Education Support Service  Established in September 2003  A nationwide service, serving mainstream primary and post-primary schools, special schools and special classes

11 August 200511 2. Special Education Support Service Aim: To enhance the quality of teaching and learning with particular reference to the education of children with special needs

12 August 200512 2.Special Education Support Service Aim: To design and deliver a range of professional development initiatives and supports for school personnel

13 August 200513 2. Special Education Support Service Aim: To consolidate and co-ordinate existing professional development and support

14 August 200514 2. Special Education Support Service  Principles  Quality  Inclusive  Equity of Access  Collaboration /Co-operation

15 August 200515 2. Special Education Support Service Teacher Education Section, DES SESS Steering Committe National Co-ordinator Assistant National Co-ordinators Administrator Secretary Associates Cork Education Support Centre

16 August 200516 2. Special Education Support Service  Work of SESS -Main Strands  Local Initiatives Scheme  SESS Strategy for Support Provision  Liaison and Contact with Colleges and Third-Level Institutions  SEN Cross-Border Professional Exchange Programme (PEACE II)

17 August 200517 2. Special Education Support Service Local Initiatives Scheme Teachers/Schools identify their own professional needs Consideration for funding Website: Applications forms

18 August 200518 2. Special Education Support Service Local Initiatives Applications ( 2003-2004) Autism Challenging Behaviour Whole-Staff Training, General SEN, Gifted Children Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment

19 August 200519 2. Special Education Support Service SESS Core Strategy  Autism  Challenging Behaviour in Special Educational Settings  Dyslexia  SEN and Second-level

20 August 200520 2. SESS- Core Strategy Autism - School Visits:Prioritised Schools -One-day seminar for Classroom Teachers -5-Day Induction Course

21 August 200521 2. SESS- Core Strategy Challenging Behaviour - National Conferences (i) Special Schools (ii) External Providers -School Visits -Pilot Projects: Studio III, TCI etc

22 August 200522 2. SESS-Core Strategy: Second-Level Second-Level-Inclusion Phase 1 -1-day Seminar -All Second-level Schools -Special Schools offering elements of second-level curricula Phase 2 -School Visits

23 August 200523 2. SESS- Core Strategy: Dyslexia Session 1: Definition, Signs & Facts and Characteristics System Provision School Based Provision Session 2 CD Rom Some Case Studies

24 August 200524 2. SESS- Core Strategy Proposed Courses - Dyspraxia:4-day courses - Regional seminars for newly-appointed Resource -Teachers (6) - TEACCH - PECS School Support - Telephone Support - E-mail via website - School Visits - Others

25 August 200525 2. Special Education Support Service  Liaison and Contact with Colleges and Third-Level Institutions  On-going liaison with Colleges  Designing of SESS Programmes

26 August 200526 2. Special Education Support Service SEN Cross-Border Professional Exchange Programme  Exchange programme-Professionals  Project Manager  Monaghan Education Centre

27 August 200527 2. Special Education Support Service  Models of Provision  Funding for courses arising via Local initiatives Scheme  SESS-designed seminars, conferences and courses  School visits  Funding for accredited courses  Telephone and e-mail support  On-line learning –Fee subsidy  Website:

28 August 200528 2. Towards a Whole-School Approach Second-Level seminar Session 1: The Road to Inclusion Session 2: Looking at our Schools Session 3: Inclusion in practice

29 August 200529 3. Towards a Whole-School Approach Quality of School Management Quality of School Planning Quality of Curriculum Provision Quality of Teaching and Learning in subjects Quality of Support for Students

30 August 200530 3. The Inclusive School All staff Parents Community Other students Student The degree to which a student is included depends on attitude of:

31 August 200531 3. Differentiate by Content (Vary what I teach) - Complexity (Concrete, symbolic abstract) -Variety of Resources -Variety of Learning Environments Process (How will I teach) - Flash Cards -Teach aspects -Start with familiar or interest Outcome/Product (Vary expectation and /or reponse from student)

32 August 200532 Special Education Support Service

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