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Earthquake Anatomy and Tectonic Plate Boundaries By: Rachel Bitler Rachel Bitler Marisa Congelio Janet D’Souza.

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquake Anatomy and Tectonic Plate Boundaries By: Rachel Bitler Rachel Bitler Marisa Congelio Janet D’Souza."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquake Anatomy and Tectonic Plate Boundaries By: Rachel Bitler Rachel Bitler Marisa Congelio Janet D’Souza

2 Earthquake A sudden motion of trembling of the Earth Caused by the abrupt release of energy that is stored in rocks

3 Elements of an Earthquake QuakesEng3.html

4 Seismic Waves (travel through rocks) Travel inside the Earth and carry energy from focus to surface –P wave (like a slinkly-> moves parallel to wave direction) Travels through air, liquid, and solid –S wave (like rope on wall-> moves perpendicular to wave direction) Move only through solids Radiate from the epicenter along the Earth’s surface –Travel more slowly than body waves –Two occur simultaneously: up-and-down rolling motion and a side-to-side vibration image_glossary/bodywave.html

5 Measurement of Seismic Waves Seismograph: a device that records seismic waves –Pen remains still as paper (and ground) moves up and down Seismogram: the record of the Earth’s vibration 100/seismic-waves.html

6 Earthquake Strength Mercalli scale measures the amount of structural damage Richter scale measures the amount of energy released during the earthquake

7 Locating the Source of an Earthquake: the time-travel curve

8 Plate boundaries

9 Plate Boundaries Transform (San Andreas Fault Zone) –When plates move horizontally past one another otes/Plate_Tectonics/PT_part4.html

10 Plate Boundaries Convergent (Himalayas) –When plates move together te_Tectonics/PT_images/Everest.jpg

11 Plate Boundaries Divergent (East African Rift) –When plates move apart

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