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Educating for professional life FE to HE Transitions: Understanding Vocational Learner Experiences in HE Dr Wayne Clark Development Project Fund Showcase.

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Presentation on theme: "Educating for professional life FE to HE Transitions: Understanding Vocational Learner Experiences in HE Dr Wayne Clark Development Project Fund Showcase."— Presentation transcript:

1 educating for professional life FE to HE Transitions: Understanding Vocational Learner Experiences in HE Dr Wayne Clark Development Project Fund Showcase 25 th November 2009

2 educating for professional life RATIONALE Explore the educational experiences + early career/employment trajectories experienced by vocational learners –Students who have entered a Higher Education Institution (University of Westminster) from non-traditional or vocational (i.e. non A-level) Further Education backgrounds Enhance understandings amongst educational communities of the vocational learner experience/progression issues Generate an online resource - a source of encouragement to potential HE vocational learner applicants + a source of information to HE/FE staff

3 educating for professional life AIMS Develop new understandings of non-traditional progression routes across FE, HE and the graduate labour market Capture a snapshot of educational experiences, expectations, aspirations + career development amongst vocational learners Provide a mapping of educational + career planning experiences of learners across levels 3, 4, 5, & 6 + post- graduation –Collect testimony at key points across the learning continuum (looking forward and looking back)

4 educating for professional life METHODOLOGY 1: INTERVIEWS - Qualitative data has been collected at 3 key stages: 1. Students currently studying in FE (Access, Next Step – Westminster Kingsway College) 2. HE students (levels 4 to 6) who have entered HE from FE 3. Graduates who have completed their HE course, having made the transition from FE to HE - Careers/progression guidance practitioners advising students who undertake the FE to HE route

5 educating for professional life METHODOLOGY 2: STATISTICAL DATA 1.Retention and progression rates in HE (UoW) 2.Vocational learner employment destinations after graduation (UoW: Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey) 3.National data on vocational learner progression

6 educating for professional life OUTCOMES 1.Online resource of project findings - this website will be of interest to both students and practitioners, and will be designed to support FE to HE progression 2.Project report to Linking London Lifelong Learning Network 3.Dissemination of findings across the Linking London Lifelong Learning Network (via presentations, project summaries etc) 4.Academic/practitioner publications

7 educating for professional life CONTACT DETAILS Dr Wayne Clark Senior Manager - Research & Development CaSE (Careers and Student Employment) University of Westminster Tel: 020 7911 5000 ext 3004 Email:

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