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STATUS OF FM ACTION PLAN OF THE STATES UNDER GROUP III (except Bihar) Sl. NoFM Action IssuesStates lagging behind in respect of the FM Action plan Future.

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Presentation on theme: "STATUS OF FM ACTION PLAN OF THE STATES UNDER GROUP III (except Bihar) Sl. NoFM Action IssuesStates lagging behind in respect of the FM Action plan Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATUS OF FM ACTION PLAN OF THE STATES UNDER GROUP III (except Bihar) Sl. NoFM Action IssuesStates lagging behind in respect of the FM Action plan Future Actions proposed by the states GoI Remarks 1Maintenance of accounts as per FM&P Manual NoneIt is regular 2Timely submission of UCAll the states of group III on account of non receiptof UCs from sub-district level. All the states are monitoring through DPOs to squiare up the positions of UCs by 31 st March,2011. 3Preparation of monthly BRS NoneIt is regular. 4Revision of VEC manualWest Bengal, Maharastra, Karnakata, Manipur, Uttarakhand, Goa are yet to revised their respective Vec Manual. Draft Manual is ready for West Bengal, Maharastra, Karnakata, Manipur, Uttarakhand, Goa. Kerela & Podduchery Vec Manual is in printing stage and all the state contemplating the same will be distributed by 31 st Dec, 10. in case of West Bengal this will included in the training module to be developed by the firms engaged for providing training upto the level of VEC. 5Adoption of Computer accounting software MaharastraMaharastra is contemplating to implement the accounting software upto the block level by December 2010.

2 6E-transfer of fundsAll the State have adopted the e-trasfer of fund upto the district level & partially upto sub-district level. Manipur & Podduchery have adopted e- transfer of fund upto the vec level. Himachal Pradesh is partially adopted e-transfer upto vec level. In case of West Bengal more or less 90% of the fund are transferred by the district to the sub-district on e-transfer basis. & all other states are trying to adopt the e-transfer system upto sub- district level by the 31 st March, 2011 in consultation with the Banks except far flung areas. 7Closing of annual accounts NoneIt is an ongoing process. 8Coverage of Internal AuditIn West Bengal & Manipur the selection of Internal Auditor is at final stage. For all other state Internal Audit have been started for 2010-11. Selection of Internal Auditor of West Bengal & Manipur may be completed by 15 th November,2010 and thereafter Internal Audit will start. 9Financial MonitoringThe financial monitoring as contemplated in the Action taken plan is going on in all state except complete web based monitoring in the states. All the states trying to improve the web based monitoring system. Punjab has adopted 100% web based monitoring system. 10Capacity building on accounting, financial management & procurement In the state of West Bengal, Manipur, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Podducherry. All the lagging behind states contemplated that required training to the level of vec will be given by 31 st March,2011.

3 11Staffing in finance & accounts In all the state except Kerela, there are vacancies in finance & account upto block level. In case of West Bengal & Manipur due to issuance of order by the finance department. The vacant post could not be filled up and these state have already moved to the finance department for their approval of filling up of the post. For the state of Punjab, the filling of vacancies are at the final stage. And all the state are contemplated to fill up the vacancies by 31 st March 2011. 12Appointment of Block level accountants All the state except Karnataka & Maharastra have not yet appointed block level accountant. Different state have different problem to engage block level accountant and they are trying to get clearance from appropriate authority or for some state (Punjab) it is under process. All the state is contemplated to engage the block level accountant by 31 st March, 2011. 13Status of Statutory AuditAll the state have not yet submitted the audit report of 2009-10 except West Bengal& Tamil Nadu. Podduchery, Karnataka, Manipur & Uttarakhand have assured the submission of audit report by 10 th November,2011, Punjab by 20 th November, Goa by 15 th November, Maharastra by 30 th November, Himachal & Kerela by 31 st December. 14Settlement of Audit objection All the state yet to comply with the audit observation for different years. All the states are trying to settled the outstanding objections of different years by 31 st March,2011.

4 15IPAI Audit compliance status 2 nd Phase IPAI audit compliance has not yet been sent by West Bengal, Manipur, Karnakta, Himachal Pradesh. Defaulting states are contemplating of submission of IPAI compliance by the 31 st December,2011

5 Status of Monthly Expenditure Plan of Group III except Bihar Sl.N o State lagging behindReason of lagging behindProposed actionRemarks 1.All the state are lagging behind by an percentage of 12% to 33% except Punjab & Manipur. Delayed receiving of funds from govt. of India & State Govt. except Punjab & Manipur. Due to non formation of vec & non finalization of sites of school the fund related to civil works was not released. All the states are revising their expenditure plan for the remaining 5 months after taking into consideration additional outlay approved and the time left for implementation. It is contemplated that revised expenditure plan may be drafted by the state by 30 th November, 2010.

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