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Transposition Cipher. Suppose we want to encrypt the following message: “Now run along and don't get into.

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Presentation on theme: "Transposition Cipher. Suppose we want to encrypt the following message: “Now run along and don't get into."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transposition Cipher

2 Suppose we want to encrypt the following message: “Now run along and don't get into mischief, I'm going out.” from “Peter Rabbit” by Beatrix Potter

3 Start by removing the punctuation and the spaces between the words: nowrunalonganddontget intomischiefimgoingout

4 Add 4 extra padding characters at the end, to take the message up to 48 characters: nowrunalonganddontgetin tomischiefimgoingoutxxxx

5 Write this message in 4 rows, each 12 letters long: nowrunalonga nddontgetint omischiefiam goingoutxxxx

6 Read the letters in order down the columns, instead of along the rows: nowrunalonga nddontgetint omischiefiam goingoutxxxx nnogodmowdiiroshuncgntho agiuleetotfxniixgnaxatmx

7 Suppose the enemy intercepts and wants to decipher our message. What might they do?

8 48 characters can be encoded using grids of one of these dimensions: 1×4848×1 2×2424×2 3×1616×3 4×1212×4 6×88×6

9 n nogodmowdiirosnuncgntho a giuleetotfxniIxgnaxatmx 1×48 doesn't rearrange the message at all. 2×24 gives: Reading down the columns gives "nangoigu...."

10 Next we try a 3×16 grid. And then a 4×12 grid. And then …

11 n nog o dmo w dii r osn u ncg n tho a giu l eet o tfx n iIx g nax a tmx Eventually we get to the 12×4 grid. This time, reading down the columns gives us the original message!

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