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Obama Stimulus Plan What it is: The current stimulus plan in place calls for over $825 billion in government aid. This aid comes in the form of tax cuts,

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2 Obama Stimulus Plan What it is: The current stimulus plan in place calls for over $825 billion in government aid. This aid comes in the form of tax cuts, state government aid, local government aid, education reform, infrastructure projects, increase in green energy projects, job creation, and unemployment/housing/welfare assistance. The goal of this stimulus plan is to “stimulate” growth back into our economy and sustain that growth over a long period of time.

3 Pros and Cons Pros Provides billions of dollars to education Upgrades the public transportation system Creates jobs in the infrastructure (highways, roads, bridges) Cuts taxes for the “middle” class Extends monetary assistance to those that cannot find jobs or are having trouble paying for their home. Cons Some argue that $825 is not enough to promote and sustain growth. The national deficit is already large enough (13.8 trillion), we don’t need to add to it! Not enough money is going to the right places (tax cuts, medicare, education)

4 Obama Stimulus Infographic Questions 1. Where does the largest portion of the stimulus bill come from? 2. How much money is dedicated to education programs? 3. What would be an example of how the “energy efficiency” portion of the stimulus is used? 4. Is this stimulus plan going to have to be repaid in full? Explain. 5. $42 billion is dedicated to expanding unemployment benefits. How could this be counter-productive to the stimulus plan?

5 Will ALL $825 have to be re-paid at some point? Yes and No! Yes, if the stimulus plan fails to achieve it’s intended goal, then tax payers will have to bear the brunt of the plan No, if the stimulus plan does achieve it’s goal, then the growth of the economy (jobs, new businesses, investments, etc) will be able to “off-set” the majority cost of the stimulus plan

6 Obama Political Cartoons For each cartoon, answer the following questions below: 1. Who/what is the main subject? 2. How is the main subject being depicted? Why? 3. Is the cartoon trying to convey a positive or negative message about the subject? How do you know this? 4. What is the main point of each cartoon? How do you know this?







13 Homework: Due next Class! Write a one-page response to the current economic stimulus plan. Explain your thoughts on the following topics: Will “Obama’s” stimulus plan work? Why? What are the pros and cons of the plan? How would you improve this plan? ****In your writing, you must reference the graphic given in class a minimum of 2 times ****

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