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Lesson 12: God’s Provision and Judgment

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1 Lesson 12: God’s Provision and Judgment
Firm Foundations Lesson 12: God’s Provision and Judgment

2 Introduction Genesis 3 affects us all
Our bodies Our lives The world God cares about His creation and wants us to know Him

3 God refused Adam & Eve’s new clothing
Genesis 3:7 – they made their own clothes Genesis 3:21 – God replaced their clothes They couldn’t make themselves acceptable to God God doesn’t accept things done according to man’s ideas People today still try to do this Good works Isaiah 64:6 Ephesians 2:8-9

4 God killed animals How did God provide the skins for their clothing?
Killed animals, shed their blood Took skins from the animals God did this – not Adam and Eve This was a reminder to them sin = death

5 God provided clothing for Adam and Eve
Why did God kill the animals? Did Adam and Eve deserve this help? Was there any other way to provide clothing that would make them acceptable to God? How did Adam and Eve get the clothing on?

6 God put Adam and Eve out of the garden
Genesis 3:22-23 (who is speaking?) When they were first made, they knew nothing bad…now they knew evil Adam and Eve should have trusted God Now they were not allowed to eat from the tree of life They would die God would not allow sinners to live forever – an act of mercy God does not allow sinners to live with Him

7 God guarded the way to the tree of life
Genesis 3:24 God placed a barrier so that they could not re-enter the garden There was no way back to the garden They would now grow old and die God is the Supreme One We cannot fight against Him and win We cannot trick Him

8 God is the giver of life Genesis 4:1
God made Adam from the dust of the ground God made Eve from Adam’s rib Every person is given life from God Yours too! Psalm 100:3

9 Cain and Abel were born outside the garden
Genesis 4:2 Why were Cain and Abel born outside the garden? Adam was the father of Cain and Abel, and the father of us all We are not born in friendship with God God has given us life and He owns us

10 Conclusion The Bible is true history
Adam and Eve were real people, we are their descendants Adam and Eve’s sin affected all of us God wrote His Word so that we could know Him

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