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By: Genaro Pina.  Hydrogen is used for energy because it doesn’t cause as much pollution as other normal ways that energy is used for today  Biomass.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Genaro Pina.  Hydrogen is used for energy because it doesn’t cause as much pollution as other normal ways that energy is used for today  Biomass."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Genaro Pina

2  Hydrogen is used for energy because it doesn’t cause as much pollution as other normal ways that energy is used for today  Biomass briquettes have a lot more benefits its really clean

3  The drawbacks in hydrogen is that it remains unclear as to when the automotive industries will start using it for motor fuel in vehicles  The drawbacks in biomass briquettes is that it’s the same as coal the good part is that it doesn't release as much carbon in the air

4  biomass briquettes is used for an alternative fuel source for fossil fuels because the earth is running low  Hydrogen is another source for fuel but this one is a lot safer for the environment Biomass briquettes are used in rural villages for heat and cooking

5 Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of sources, including fossil fuels renewable sources such as wind, solar, or biomass nuclear or solar heatpoweredthermochemical reactions and solar photolysis or biological methods For biomass briquettes, Obama's administration have created a program, Biomass Crop Assistance Program, who wish to establish, produce, and deliver biomass feedstock's.

6  Because biomass briquettes require a lot of land it’s not positive that it’s the best idea for a primary source of energy, because there won’t be as much land to grow necessary crops  A commodity that allows us to store energy so that it can be moved to another location, or used at another time. It cannot substitute for an energy resource, which already contains stored energy that can be extracted and used. In a fully developed hydrogen economy we will still be fully dependent on our energy resources

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