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Ch 7 – The Origins and Spread of Islam 7 th Grade World History.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 7 – The Origins and Spread of Islam 7 th Grade World History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 7 – The Origins and Spread of Islam 7 th Grade World History

2 1. Who is the founder of Islam? Muhammad

3 2. Where was Muhammad born? In 570 On the Arabian Peninsula Mecca

4 3. Where is the Arabian Peninsula? Southwest Asia Between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf

5 4. What are parts of today’s Middle East? Northern Africa, the eastern Mediterranean shore, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq

6 5. What do Arabs call their home? Al-jazeera

7 6. What are some geographic features of Mecca? Located in a dry, rocky valley in western Arabia Gained wealth as a center of trade Merchants traveled and purchased goods

8 7. Polytheism Belief in more than one God

9 8. What cultural trait united Arabs before Muhammad? Language

10 9. What did people call Muhammad? al-Amin – which means trustworthy

11 10. When is Muhammad called to prophethood? In 610 C.E. In a cave in the mountains The angel Gabriel speaks to him

12 11. What took Muhammad outside the Arabian Peninsula? He made many trading journeys

13 12. Islam The religious faith of Muslims

14 13. What is Allah? The Islamic word for God

15 14. What is a prophet? A person who speaks or interprets the word of God

16 15. What is monotheism? The belief in a single God

17 16. What is a Muslim? A person who surrenders to God

18 17. What is the Qur’an? The holy book of Islam It is a record of the words of God spoken by Gabriel

19 18. Why did leaders of Makkah become upset? They did not want to share their wealth

20 19. What is a boycott? A refusal to do business with an organization or group Makkah leaders refused to do business with Muhammad’s followers

21 20. What is the Night Journey? A winged horse took Muhammad from Makkah to Jerusalem, the holy city for Muslims

22 21. Why did Muhammad go to the city of Medina? For protection To convert more Arabs to Islam

23 22. What is a caliph? A Muslim ruler

24 23. What is a caliphate? A Muslim government led by the caliph

25 24. How did the caliphs spread the faith of Islam? By military conquest They gained new lands, resources and goods

26 25. How were Jews and Christians treated in Muslim territories? They were forced to pay extra taxes

27 26. What happened after the first four caliphs? Islam split into two branches (Sunnis and Shi’ah)

28 27. What was the argument between the Sunnis and Shi’ah? Whether the caliph should be descended from Muhammad

29 28. How did the Umayyad dynasty expand Islam? Through military conquest, they gained new lands

30 29. Who stopped the spread of Islam in Europe? Charles Martel Battle of Tours in 732 Kept Muslims from entering France

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