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Seeing things with Donald Schön ODN Europe Conference 7 th May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Seeing things with Donald Schön ODN Europe Conference 7 th May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seeing things with Donald Schön ODN Europe Conference 7 th May 2014

2 Inquiry Figure Ground Consulting “….inquiry begins with an indeterminate, problematic situation, a situation whose inherent conflict, obscurity, or confusion blocks action. And the inquirer seeks to make that situation determinate, thereby restoring the flow of activity.” (Argyris and Schön, 1996: 30-31, interpreting John Dewey)

3 Determining the situation Figure Ground Consulting Muddle, mess. Complex- bewildering Name & Frame Create a Problem Act to resolve Unexpected consequences INQUIRY PROCESS LANGUAGE TOOL Metaphor Transposition Mutual adaption Elaboration Spelling out

4 Body of Practice Figure Ground Consulting “Once a case has entered into a practitioner’s repertoire he may be able to see a new case as that familiar one, the familiar one now acting as an exemplar for inquiry into the new one” (Schön and Rein, 1994: 205).

5 Over-determining the situation THE RISK “With a hammer in hand everything looks like a nail” (Anon) THE MITIGATION Reflexivity Immersion in the client situation. Relevance over Rigour. Self constraint around difference Contained Frame Reflection Figure Ground Consulting

6 Organisation questions From the viewpoint of practice in large systems: Organisations appear largely undetermined There appears to be a fallacy of determination Do managers disclose the organisation as they design & solve problems? Are organisations completed by managers as they conserve & disclose them? Figure Groud Consulting

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