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Glider data (*.*bd files) via Iridium or rsync from WHOI, Umaine or UMaryland Disk NetCDF/Acquire WMO ID IOOS Glider DAC ERDDAP OPeNDAP sequence or download.geoJson,,.ncCF,.ncCFMA.csv,.tsv,

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Presentation on theme: "Glider data (*.*bd files) via Iridium or rsync from WHOI, Umaine or UMaryland Disk NetCDF/Acquire WMO ID IOOS Glider DAC ERDDAP OPeNDAP sequence or download.geoJson,,.ncCF,.ncCFMA.csv,.tsv,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Glider data (*.*bd files) via Iridium or rsync from WHOI, Umaine or UMaryland Disk NetCDF/Acquire WMO ID IOOS Glider DAC ERDDAP OPeNDAP sequence or download.geoJson,,.ncCF,.ncCFMA.csv,.tsv, SOS (soon), ACDD, ISO THREDDS OPeNDAP or ncSOS ncISO ACDD QA/QC NDBC BUFR Messages GTS OOI EPE Vis-Tools OOI-CI IONnet ERDDAP Models OSMC Metadata

2 Glider data (*.*bd files) via Iridium or rsync from WHOI, Umaine or UMaryland Decode from binary to ASCII and store as.dat files Slocum Power Tools (SPT) Toolbox Read raw data files into 2 data structures providing easy access to the underlying data, simple data manipulation, visualization and export. Timestamp/GPS Validation Duplicates & Impossible Values Removed/Flagged Global Bounds Checks: 1.Temperature 2.Pressure 3.Conductivity 4.Dissolved O2 5.Oxygen Saturation 6.Chlorophyll a 7.Volume Thermal Lag Correction Oxygen Shifts Derive Products & Global Bounds Checks: 1.Salinity 2.Density Single Profile NetCDF IOOS National DAC NDBC GTS

3 Slocum Power Tools Toolbox: An open source, freely available toolkit for loading, processing, visualizing and exporting Slocum glider data sets Users: Raytheon University of Victoria Ocean Networks Canada University of Delaware University of South Florida MBARI Texas A&M

4 SPT Wiki: Full API documentation and step-by-step examples on toolbox usage

5 IOOS Glider Data Assembly Center

6 NOAA Observing System Monitoring Center (OSMC) Historical archive of all Global Telecommunication System (GTS) metadata records used to verify transmission of glider profiles to GTS, making them “available” for assimilation

7 NOAA Observing System Monitoring Center (OSMC) ERDDAP backend server to script status reports of profiles transmitted to on GTS

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