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What is Engineering? Mr. Wolfe Fundamentals of Technology August 31, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Engineering? Mr. Wolfe Fundamentals of Technology August 31, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Engineering? Mr. Wolfe Fundamentals of Technology August 31, 2010

2 What is Engineering? What is Science? How is Engineering different than Science? What do Engineers do?

3 The Fields of Engineering Civil Mechanical Chemical Electrical Environmental Materials Robotics Computer Biochemical BioMedicalNanotech Aerospace

4 Famous Engineering Students 20% of CEO’s of top US companies have engineering degrees. Mr. Bean Alfred Hitchcock Bill NyeMontel Williams The WozPresident HooverLee IacoccaPresident Carter

5 How does engineering affect your lives?

6 toothpaste alarm clock milk cereal seat belt traffic lights roads engine car buildings desks & chairs pens clothing hair products computers projectors

7 toothpaste alarm clock milk cereal seat belt traffic lights roads engine car buildings desks & chairs pens clothing hair products computers projectors

8 toothpaste alarm clock milk cereal seat belt traffic lights roads engine car buildings desks & chairs pens clothing hair products computers projectors

9 toothpaste alarm clock milk cereal seat belt traffic lights roads engine car buildings desks & chairs pens clothing hair products computers projectors

10 toothpaste alarm clock milk cereal seat belt traffic lights roads engine car buildings desks & chairs pens clothing hair products computers projectors

11 How Engineering Affects your Life

12 The Evolution of Video Games 1972 : Atari Pong 1977 : Atari 2600 ▫Donkey Kong 1985 : Nintendo Entertainment System ▫Super Mario Brothers 2006 : Nintendo Wii ▫Super Mario Brothers.Wii

13 The Evolution of Video Games 1972 : Atari Pong 1977 : Atari 2600 ▫Donkey Kong 1985 : Nintendo Entertainment System ▫Super Mario Brothers 2006 : Nintendo Wii ▫Super Mario Brothers.Wii

14 The Evolution of Video Games 1972 : Atari Pong 1977 : Atari 2600 ▫Donkey Kong 1985 : Nintendo Entertainment System ▫Super Mario Brothers 2006 : Nintendo Wii ▫Super Mario Brothers.Wii

15 The Evolution of Video Games 1972 : Atari Pong 1977 : Atari 2600 ▫Donkey Kong 1985 : Nintendo Entertainment System ▫Super Mario Brothers 2006 : Nintendo Wii ▫Super Mario Brothers.Wii

16 Telephones 1975: Western Electric Telephone 1951: Western Electric Telephone 1876: Alexander Graham Bell speaking in prototype model of the telephone

17 The Evolution of Cell Phones 1983 : Motorola DynaTAC 8000X 1989 : Motorola MicroTAC 9800X 1992 : Motorola International 3200 1996 : Nokia 8110 “banana phone” 2000 : Nokia 3310 Martin Cooper: Inventor of the cell phone

18 The Evolution of Cell Phones 1983 : Motorola DynaTAC 8000X 1989 : Motorola MicroTAC 9800X 1992 : Motorola International 3200 1996 : Nokia 8110 “banana phone” 2000 : Nokia 3310

19 The Evolution of Cell Phones 1983 : Motorola DynaTAC 8000X 1989 : Motorola MicroTAC 9800X 1992 : Motorola International 3200 1996 : Nokia 8110 “banana phone” 2000 : Nokia 3310

20 The Evolution of Cell Phones 1983 : Motorola DynaTAC 8000X 1989 : Motorola MicroTAC 9800X 1992 : Motorola International 3200 1996 : Nokia 8110 “banana phone” 2000 : Nokia 3310

21 The Evolution of Cell Phones 1983 : Motorola DynaTAC 8000X 1989 : Motorola MicroTAC 9800X 1992 : Motorola International 3200 1996 : Nokia 8110 “banana phone” 2000 : Nokia 3310

22 The Evolution of Cell Phones 2008 iPhone 3G BlackBerry Storm Sidekick LX 2009 Motorola Renew

23 The Evolution of Cell Phones 2009 Palm Pre Nokia N97 Omnia HD/Samsung i8910

24 The Evolution of Cell Phones Available only in Japan Casio CA001 S001 Sony Ericsson Cyber-Shot Hitachi WOOO Ketai H001 Phone

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