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Clear Creek Middle School Dress Code. 4 R’s Dress Code Respect: Wear school appropriate clothing: Dress for Success Responsibility: Wear comfortable clothing.

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Presentation on theme: "Clear Creek Middle School Dress Code. 4 R’s Dress Code Respect: Wear school appropriate clothing: Dress for Success Responsibility: Wear comfortable clothing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clear Creek Middle School Dress Code

2 4 R’s Dress Code Respect: Wear school appropriate clothing: Dress for Success Responsibility: Wear comfortable clothing that allows you and others to concentrate on learning

3 4R’s Dress Code Relationships: Wear clothing that is a positive reflection of yourself Results: All students can focus on academics

4 Inappropriate Clothing Choice for Clear Creek Tops with strings or straps Tops that show bra straps or shoulders

5 Inappropriate Clothing Choices for Clear Creek FASHION POLICE ALERT! Tops that expose the midriff, stomach back or undergarments are not allowed.

6 Appropriate Clothing Choice for Clear Creek Choose tops that COVER shoulders Choose tops that do not show cleavage.

7 No Yes


9 Even w/ leggings? No

10 Appropriate Clothing Choice for Clear Creek Notice that tops have sleeves Also, no cleavage showing.

11 Appropriate Clothing Choice for Clear Creek Tops that cover stomach, midriff, back and undergarments are allowed.

12 INAPPROPRIATE FOR Clear Creek Short shorts or short skirts must be finger tip length or longer Adding leggings will not make these appropriate

13 INAPPROPRIATE FOR Clear Creek Holes in jeans must be below fingertip length on the leg No skin above fingertips~! Yes! No!

14 APPROPRIATE FOR Clear Creek Holes in jeans can’t show skin above fingertip length.

15 Appropriate for Clear Creek Shorts and skirts that ARE LONGER than finger length on your leg.

16 INAPPROPRIATE Shorts for Clear Creek

17 Leggings/spandex will not make these appropriate

18 Appropriate Short Choices

19 INAPPROPRIATE Clothing Choice for Clear Creek Sagging pants below the hips or that expose undergarments, boxers, shorts or even PE shorts. Sagging pants are not appropriate for school. That’s GROSS!

20 Appropriate Clothing Choice

21 INAPPROPRIATE Clothing that infers or promotes alcohol, drugs or tobacco.


23 Appropriate Choices for Clear Creek T-shirts and sweatshirts that DO NOT represent alcohol, drugs, tobacco

24 INAPPROPRIATE FOR Clear Creek Clothing inferring or containing objectionable language, symbols or sexual references.


26 INAPPROPRIATE for Clear Creek Clothing inferring or signifying identification with gang activity

27 Appropriate Choices for Clear Creek

28 INAPPROPRIATE for Clear Creek Hats and Hoods are not allowed.

29 Appropriate for Clear Creek Heads without hats, hoods, or beanies.

30 Pajamas or slippers are not appropriate for Clear Creek

31 Bare feet or Stocking feet not allowed

32 Appropriate footwear for Clear Creek

33 Inappropriate Bracelets (not even inside out!)

34 Appropriate Bracelets

35 Dress Code As a school, Clear Creek expects students to dress in ways that promote positive behavior and serious academic effort. Dress and grooming that disrupt the learning process will not be permitted. Administrators have final say if it appropriate or not.




39 Dress for Success!

40 Public Displays of Affection: PDA’s no hugs no hand-holding no kissing no arm-around one another - this is true on school grounds at all times of day Keep hands to self Keep arms to self Keep lips to self

41 Clear Creek Electronic Device Policy


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