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Arabidopsis: Distribution By: Becky, Hannah, T.J., & James.

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Presentation on theme: "Arabidopsis: Distribution By: Becky, Hannah, T.J., & James."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arabidopsis: Distribution By: Becky, Hannah, T.J., & James

2 Where Does It Grow? Arabidopsis Thaliana grows all over the world. WHY ? Because it is versatile and can adapt to many climates. IT IS STRONG! (1)

3 Distribution Methods Arabidopsis Thaliana are native to Europe, Asia, and Northwest Africa. Seeds are spread by wind and by clinging to animals that pass by. The seeds can develop in versatile environments ranging from Pakistan to Canada. (1)

4 White Irisette Vs. Arabidopsis White Irisette (Sisyrinchium dichotomum) is endangered due to human interaction with the plant like suburban development and suppression of natural disturbance. Unlike Arabidopsis it can only survive in one climate and is particular to its growing conditions. It prefers partial shade and rich, basic soils. The range of distribution of the White Irisette is bound by the upper mountains of North and South Carolina. Found in North Carolina counties Henderson, Polk, Rutherford. South Carolina counties: Greenville (2)

5 Does Any Animal Have Nearly A Global Distribution? Cucujus Clavipes Beetle can be found almost anywhere in the world, including the arctic. Like Arabidopsis, it is versatile to different environments. IT IS STRONG! (3)

6 Sources 1. 2. &imgrefurl= ecies_sites/white_irisette.html 3.

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