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Ch. 6, The Early Middle Ages Gr. 7. Main Idea Do you have a goal that you would devote your life to reaching?

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 6, The Early Middle Ages Gr. 7. Main Idea Do you have a goal that you would devote your life to reaching?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 6, The Early Middle Ages Gr. 7

2 Main Idea Do you have a goal that you would devote your life to reaching?

3 Connection Learn in 6-1, the goals of the Catholic Church in the early Middle Ages.

4 Discussion Question How did the mountains affect people in Europe?

5 Answer *The mountains separated people, so different cultures developed independently. The mountains also made it difficult for one person to rule all the the kingdoms in Europe.

6 Discussion Questions How did the pope obtain the Papal States?

7 Answer *Pepin defeated the Lombards, who had threatened the pope, who then ruled the lands as if he were king.

8 Question What duties did monks have?

9 Answer Monks educated people, provided food to travelers, helped care for the sick, and taught farming, carpentry, and weaving. They were also important in preserving knowledge. They made copies of important works, such as the Bible and works of Roman and Greek writers.

10 Section Review Questions 1, 3, 4, 5 on page 333 [10 minutes]

11 Q. 1 Why Battle of Tours significant?

12 A. 1 *Charles Martel led the Franks against the Muslim army and stopped the Muslim advance into Europe.

13 Q. 3 Diagram to describe role of monks in medieval Europe.

14 Monks Provided schools Rest stopshospitals Spread Christianity

15 Q. 4 How Charlemagne [Charles the Great] support education?

16 Answer *He opened a palace school for children of officials. The scholar, Alcuin, taught classes.

17 Question What ideas did monks help spread across Europe?

18 Answer *Ideas about carpentry, weaving, better farming methods were ideas that monks help spread across Europe.

19 Ch. 6, Section 2 Vassal?

20 A. 1 A noble who served a lord of higher rank

21 Q. 2 Crop rotation? How increase amount of food?

22 A.2 Peasants rotated crops among three fields, keep two-thirds planted at all times.

23 Q. 3 Shift of power from kings to nobles during Middle Ages?

24 A. 4 Europe had no central gov’t. Nobles began to collect taxes and enforce laws. See birth of feudalism – transferring of power from kings to nobles who then governed/protected people in exchange for services [e.g., fighting in noble’s army or farming the land]

25 Q. 5 Increase in trade lead to growth of cities/towns?

26 A. 5 Trade brought more people and prosperity to cities/towns.

27 Q. 6 Guilds? Why important?

28 A. 6 Guilds were business groups organized by craftspeople; Determined quality of products, production, prices

29 Q. 7 Barter system – shift to $ system change medieval Europe’s economy?

30 A. 7 Trade, banks and coinage made economy more efficient, allowed

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