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Information Grid Services in the Polish Optical Internet PIONIER Cezary Mazurek, Maciej Stroiński, Jan Węglarz.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Grid Services in the Polish Optical Internet PIONIER Cezary Mazurek, Maciej Stroiński, Jan Węglarz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Grid Services in the Polish Optical Internet PIONIER Cezary Mazurek, Maciej Stroiński, Jan Węglarz

2 Presentation Plan PIONIER and Information Grids Digital Library Services Streaming Media Services Other Services Architecture for Information Grid Application examples

3 PIONIER and Information Grids Grid initiatives in Poland and around the world succeeded in developing and deploying different grid components The driving force for the development of such a next generation computing infrastructure are scientific applications Emergent information (i.e. digital content) environments must take an advantage of grid services and tools to enable efficient information management and access

4 PIONIER and Information Grids Within the PIONIER Programme there has been realized several systems in the area of information and digital content –Digital Library Framework –Audio Streaming System –Data Management System –Interactive TV

5 Digital Library Services in PIONIER

6 Digital Libraries are based on dLibra DL Framework dLibra is the PIONIER Digital Library Framework Developed in PSNC since 1999 Now deployed in –Wielkopolska Digital Library (10.2002) –Wroclaw University of Technology Digital Library (11.2004) –Four other installations in different Polish universities

7 Digital Library Services in PIONIER Multitier, distributed and portable DL platform Support for multiple content types Hierarchic collections Resources versioning Advanced support for resources’ metadata (DublinCore, MARC, RDF) Multiple searching mechanism Extended access management (LDAP, Single Sign-On)

8 Digital Library Services in PIONIER

9 Each service can be deployed on different host Services does not need to know their locations Services can send and receive events Services implementations can be easily replaced Services can access each other (if authorized) External services can access DL system (if authorized) –Via dLibra interfaces with Java RMI –Via OAI-PMH

10 Streaming Media Services Audio Steaming –12 servers –10 locations –14 stations –40 streams

11 Streaming Media Services Streaming server: Icecast2 with streams relaying Brokered services –User redirection to best server, based on: availability streams on server current load on server distance to user –Topology network gathering – from BGP

12 Streaming Media Services Radio stations: 12 Events: 2 –Football Match – weekly –National Youth Christian Meeting – Lednica 2005

13 Streaming Media Services About 700-900 average listeners. Maximum so far – above 1200 simultaneous listeners

14 Streaming Media Services TOK FM – news station

15 Other services Data Management Services (PROGRESS) Content Distribution Services (iTVP)

16 iTVP Services content distribution and delivery –live, VOD, nVOD –content replication, migration and removal request routing –allows to direct users to best proxy/cache servers –supports load balancing –authentication and authorisation monitoring –system load and status –critical events identification and logging –parameters: CPU load, free memory, network interfaces load, discs load and free space, –active distribution and delivery transactions reporting –active and passive data gathering –provides reports on system usage and errors system management

17 PIONIER Information Grid Services provided by the mentioned systems enabled within the Information Grid architecture allow to construct more advanced information applications and its access from specialized portals

18 PIONIER Information Grid Services are grouped within service provider layer Content management services are independent of computational resources management services Every system provides brokerage service which manages its resources (e.g. information management or content delivery) Service provider communicates with many brokers and provides abstractive descriptors for objects (also complex processes) managed by high-level services

19 PIONIER Information Grid Broker’s tasks –Access interface to Information Grid Services –Enables the task handling in an efficient way also by management services for distributed resources –Communicates with other brokers to pass them the specifications of tasks which should/might be performed in different subsystem

20 PIONIER Information Grid Architecture Computing Grid Grid Data Management System Distributed Digital Library Content Delivery System Grid Resource Broker Data Broker Library Broker Delivery Broker Grid Service Provider Telemedicine Service Provider Digital Library Service Provider iTVP Service Provider Computing PortaliTVP PortalDigital Library Portal Telemedicine Portal

21 PIONIER Information Grid Architecture

22 Examples of Information Grid Applications Bioinformatics computational applications Telemedicine applications Education and Learning Hosting services for SMEs Virtual Laboratory....

23 Access to applications in PIONIER Information Grid

24 Conclusion Services for content management and delivery must be integrated and managed in the grid-like structure because it allows: –grid constructors, the grid specialization in information access and management –application developers, to use general services in content management and delivery –portal constructors, to use an integrated service and content environments for an efficient access to distributed information –operators, to build more complex application scenarios based on PIONIER Information Grid Services

25 Thank you! Cezary Mazurek

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