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Nouns A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea Common nouns are less specific and do not need to be capitalized Proper nouns are names of people, places,

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Presentation on theme: "Nouns A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea Common nouns are less specific and do not need to be capitalized Proper nouns are names of people, places,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nouns A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea Common nouns are less specific and do not need to be capitalized Proper nouns are names of people, places, or things and do need to be capitalized Concrete nouns can be touched Abstract nouns cannot be touched Write down one example of each type of noun (common, proper, concrete, abstract) in your notes

2 Nouns Directions: On a sheet of paper, identify the nouns in each of the sentences. There are 10 total. 1.The kids jumped on the bed. 2.The cake baked in the oven. 3.After the game, the students went to the mall. 4.Anna ate the entire bucket of popcorn alone.

3 Nouns Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the types of nouns in each sentence (common or proper AND concrete or abstract). There are 10 total. 1.The kids jumped on the bed. 2.The cake baked in the oven. 3.After the game, Brenda went to the mall. 4.Anna ate the entire bucket of popcorn alone.

4 Nouns Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the nouns in each of the sentences. There are 10 total. 1.James owns a dog and a goldfish. 2.On the show, Rob is the head comedy writer. 3.Hate is a dangerous emotion. 4.Love is a wonderful feeling.

5 Nouns 1.James owns a dog and a goldfish. 2.On the show, Rob is the head comedy writer. 3.Hate is a dangerous emotion. 4.Love is a wonderful feeling. Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the types of nouns in each sentence (common or proper AND concrete or abstract). There are 10 total.

6 Pronouns Pronouns take the place of one or more nouns. There are many different kinds of pronouns. Personal: I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs Reflexive: myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves Demonstrative: this, that, these, those Interrogative: what, which, who, whom, whose Relative: that, which, who, whom, whose Indefinite: all, any, anyone, both, each, either, everybody, many, none, nothing

7 Pronouns 1.I didn’t like the chicken; it was flavorless. 2.The little boy said, “I can do it myself!” 3.She commanded him to clean his toys which had been left on the floor. 4.“Who would like to begin reading?” Directions: On your notes from yesterday, copy the sentences and identify the pronouns by writing a “P” above them. There are 10 total.

8 Pronouns 1.This is Michelle, who was the top performer in her class last year. 2.“It is a small token of his appreciation,” she said. 3.In high school you learn to do things yourself. 4.Her letter began with the words “To whom it may concern.” Directions: On your paper from yesterday, copy the sentences and identify the pronouns by writing a “P” above them. There are 11 total.

9 Pronouns Edith Cavell was a British nurse (1)______ served during WWI. In 1907, Dr. Antoine Depage had asked Miss Cavell to come to Brussels. (2) ______ wanted (3) ______ hospital modernized according to the principles of Florence Nightingale. After the outbreak of the war in 1914, (4) ______ became a Red Cross hospital. The Germans marched into Belgium, although (5) ______ was a neutral county. The hospital was filled with many casualties of the war. Directions: On your paper from yesterday, fill in the blanks with pronouns that refer to the italicized nouns.

10 Pronouns Edith Cavell was a British nurse (1)_who__ served during WWI. In 1907, Dr. Antoine Depage had asked Miss Cavell to come to Brussels. (2) __He__ wanted (3) __that___ hospital modernized according to the principles of Florence Nightingale. After the outbreak of the war in 1914, (4) __it__ became a Red Cross hospital. The Germans marched into Belgium, although (5) __it__ was a neutral county. The hospital was filled with many casualties of the war. Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the types of underlined pronouns in each sentence (personal, reflexive, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, or indefinite).

11 Verbs Verbs show action OR state of being. Action verbs- eat, play, jump, swim, love Linking verbs-appear, be, seem, become, feel, look, smell, sound, taste Helping verbs- be, have, may, can, shall, must, would State of being verbs-is, am, are, was, were

12 Verbs 1.She sang on the stage like an expert although it was only her first performance. 2.John tasted the sauce and added a few spices. 3.Susie became the best agent in the business after training for a year. 4.Peter was jumping on the bed before he fell and broke his arm. Directions: On a clean sheet of paper, copy the sentences and identify the verbs in each. There are 10 total.

13 Verbs Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the verbs in each of the sentences. There are 10 total. You do NOT need to copy the sentences. 1. Sal listens to his favorite song. 2. Craig hits the baseball over the fence. 3. The little pig grunts. 4. The roof of the house leaks. 5. The hunter searches for a deer. 6. Dr. Gold examines his patient. 7. The bluebird in the tree sings beautifully. 8. The football team dashes out of the locker room. 9. Paul reads The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 10. Mrs. Gray buys a roll of paper towels at the store.

14 Verbs 1. Are you going to eat that? 2. Harold finds a purple crayon. 3. I dropped the book on the floor after seeing the ghostly figure walk into the room. 4. On his day off, James cooked and cleaned all day to make his wife happy. Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the verbs in each of the sentences. There are 12 total. You do NOT need to copy the sentences.

15 Verbs Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the verbs in each of the sentences. There are 12 total. You do not need to copy the sentences. 1.The wolf suddenly appeared; it seemed very hungry. 2.Jada looked like a princess as she made her grand entrance at the ball. 3.Anna’s cookies tasted like dirt. 4.The lunch bell was like music to her ears.; she could not wait to eat! 5. After the rain poured in the city, water trickled down the roof all day.

16 Adjectives & Articles Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns by telling what kind, which one, how many, or how much Examples: popular, American, that, three, more, young, spicy Articles introduce a noun. There are only THREE articles in the English language: a, an, and the

17 Adjectives & Articles 1. Leroy and Jenna walked up to an old castle. 2. Maddie put the golden key in the lock. 3. Today is the fifth day of January. 4. The baby birds flew from the nest. 5. Joe's truck has a flat tire. 6. I am holding a marker in my left hand. 7. Patricia played beautiful music on her guitar. 8. Has anyone read Caitlyn's latest story? 9. The sly fox outsmarted the chicken. 10. Miguel ordered a large Coke. Directions: On your notes from yesterday, identify the adjectives and articles in each of the sentences. There are 23 total. You do not need to copy the sentences.

18 Adjectives & Articles 1.The shiny spaceship landed in my yard. 2. An alien with big eyes walked out of the ship. 3. It waved its tiny hand in the air. 4. The alien said, “Earth is such a beautiful planet.” 5. A brown rabbit hopped into the yard and scared the alien. 6. The frightened alien ran back into its spaceship and blasted off. Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the adjectives and articles in each of the sentences. There are 16 total. You do not need to copy the sentences.

19 Adjectives Directions: To complete each sentence, add -er, -est, more or most to the adjective in parenthesis. {Examples: Henry was taller than Francis. (tall); Today was more pleasant than yesterday. (pleasant)} 1. A steak knife is __________ than a butter knife. (sharp) 2. David is the ___________ player on the team. (fast) 3. My drawing is ___________than yours. (colorful) 4. I think the book we read today is ______ than the one we read yesterday. (interesting) 5. Katie's ____________ brother colored on the walls. (young) 6. This week's temperatures are _______ than last week's. (warm) 7. That was the _____________ test I've ever taken. (difficult) 8. Isn't he the _____________ little boy you've ever met? (nice) 9. That was a much _______ homework assignment. (challenging) 10. Do you think a snake is __________ than an owl? (slow) 11. Robert's arms are ______________ than John's. (long) 12. Joe has the ____________ feet of anyone in his family. (big)

20 Adjectives 1. The magical wizard cast a spell on the evil witch. 2. The dragon in the deep cave was scary. 3. The unicorn ran into the dark forest. 4. The ogre standing by the tree is angry. 5. The wicked witch was flying on a broomstick. 6. Two giants live in the countryside. 7. The monster under my bed is furry. Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the adjectives in each of the sentences. There are 9 total. You do not need to copy the sentences.

21 Adverbs Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or adverbs by telling how, when, where, or to what extent. Examples: slowly, quite, somewhat boldly, soon, shortly, hardly Hint: Many adverbs end in –ly

22 Adverbs 1. My grandpa snored loudly. 2. Chloe played on the beach yesterday. 3. I will visit my friend tomorrow. 4. George, will you come here? 5. My sheepdog sat lazily in the pool. Directions: On your notes from yesterday, identify the adverbs in each of the sentences. There are 5 total. You do not need to copy the sentences.

23 Adverbs 1.Jason quickly read the book. 2.Emma left early. 3.Lily and Ben played here. 4.Neil slowly placed a card on the card house. 5.He buys unusual stamps downtown. Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the adverbs in each of the sentences. There are 5 total. You do not need to copy the sentences.

24 Adverbs 1. The mail carrier finally arrived. 2. We ran out to meet her. 3. Maggie clapped her hands excitedly. 4. I quickly opened the gold envelope. 5. Then Maggie read the letter. Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the adverbs in each of the sentences. There are 5 total. You do not need to copy the sentences.

25 Adverbs Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the adverbs in each of the sentences. There are 5 total. You do not need to copy the sentences. 1."We won the contest!" she shouted proudly. 2.He secretly keeps his collection upstairs. 3.He works on it often. 4.Sometimes friends send Butch new stamps.

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