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Done by: Alison (16) Nurfarhana (17) Cindy (18 ).

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Presentation on theme: "Done by: Alison (16) Nurfarhana (17) Cindy (18 )."— Presentation transcript:

1 Done by: Alison (16) Nurfarhana (17) Cindy (18 )

2 Family is defined as a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not: the traditional family. Life is defined as the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that.

3 Personal Experiences Family bonding is the most important factor for family life. For example, we get together every Saturday to interact and talk about our daily lives. Although everyone was busy due to work and school, we still know very well of each other due to the family gathering. Family bonding had proven to improve relationships and have more understanding with one another.

4 Observances As technology advances, people tend to face their computers and electronic devices almost every day. Some even neglected their family and stick to their computers all day long. Also, I disapprove of the fact that teenagers are reliant on their friends to feel accepted. Family members should take a better role than their friends. Having better relationships with family members would make teenagers like us even more comfortable sharing our daily problems or dilemma.

5 Observances Moreover, in high developed countries like Singapore often have problems such as family bonding because there are more higher educated white-collar workers Many teenagers who have been neglected were mostly from families with workaholic parents The government had raised an issue of a balanced working life with two days off to spend time with their respective families

6 Observances The government had set up a website: to reach out to the public on the importance of family bonding. Family bonding events would be conducted weekly so that families are able to get together.

7 Current Affairs In Adelaide, an article showed that CHILDREN are increasingly unable to deal with the demands of modern family life. So parents are turning to yoga, meditation and counselling to help them cope. Research published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, interviewed the parents of 3370 Australian children aged 4-12. One in 10 were found to have depression, anxiety and behavioural problems. Psychologist Sally-Anne McCormack from said parents were turning to measures such as yoga to try and help relieve stress and anxiety in their children's lives.

8 Current Affairs "But it can add to the problem. Sitting down and watching some mindless TV, eating some popcorn and chatting are the things that help them relax," Psychologist Sally-Anne McCormack said. "There are benefits with everything from fitness to flexibility to helping kids cope with stress," Ms Pulsford said. Lesson learnt: It is to have a balanced life with family so that it would lead to happiness between family members and working adults would be able to feel happy after a long day at work and seeing their family living harmoniously. A family can add in psychological effects on a person. Therefore, it is a good to practice more time in family bonding.

9 Current Affairs (Case II) A research had shown that modern technology can pull families apart, according to Orshan, a psychaitrist who suggests that simple strategies like committing to daily gadget- free quality time with the kids can make all the difference. “Making dinner together every night and turning off all electronics for a minimum of 25 minutes or so done consistently will produce amazing results. Studies show that grades improve as a result of this one simple act of uninterrupted family time. There is even a correlation with less bullying problems when parents are involved in activities with their children. It is one simple act but when you are there you need to really be there,” Orshan said.

10 It is important to bond with our families and attempt to have a proper conversation. Start early and with parents understanding their children, it will bring both parties benefits as many researches have proven that family bonding is essential. It brings a psychological benefit. Family bonding too would relate to your daily life as it gives a balance to both work/school and life.


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