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Your character analysis – what to do Join your group and bring your notes on character studied, I will hand out a list of quotes to help aid memory Slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Your character analysis – what to do Join your group and bring your notes on character studied, I will hand out a list of quotes to help aid memory Slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your character analysis – what to do Join your group and bring your notes on character studied, I will hand out a list of quotes to help aid memory Slide 1 – intro to analysis if you have time add a couple of photos of character ( do this last ) Slide 2 - Answer general questions about your character (as a group ) The following slides can then be done individually or as a group – time is of the essence! Slide 3 – what your character says and thinks – quotes, looks, expressions Slide 4 - what your character does – note the actions in order then a description of what it says about the character Slide 5 - What others characters say about him (how do the other characters react to him, how do they see him) Save them in shared docs/media/year10 /characters Presentations tomorrow!!!!!

2 Allison character analysis What the film says about her, how do you see her? What Allison says and thinks (think of a few words to describe your character and then tell us how you know this ) What Allison does (her actions) what do they tell us about her What others characters say about her (how do the other characters react to her, how do they see her, how do we know)

3 What the film says about him, what you think of him Discuss these answers as a group to begin building a picture of your character: When does my character live? Where does my character live? In the country, the city, the suburbs…? What is the socioeconomic background of my character? Does my character work? If so, at what, if not what does he/she do? Who lives with my character and what are their relationships? Who else heavily influences my character? What is the primary emotion my character has throughout this piece? What other emotions are affecting my character underneath that emotion? What kind of self-esteem does my character have? How does my character relate to the outside world? What emotion should the audience feel toward my character? Sympathy, hate, friendly? In the beginning of the film, what do we discover about my character? In the middle of the film, how does my character grow and change? At the end of the film, what will happen to my character? How important is my character to the action of the film as a whole? How old is my character? How strong are my character’s emotions in this piece? Pure hatred? Mild lust? What person or fictional character does my character most remind me of? If I met my character, how would I react to them?

4 What Jim says and thinks – important scenes Determined to make a fresh start (tells his mum he doesn’t want to move again) ‘for once I want to do something right! And I don't want you to run away from me again! ‘ Peacemaker - Doesn’t want trouble (tries to limit fighting ) Love interest falls in love with Judy (sees her outside window wants to talk to her ) Wants to fit in (joke in planetarium) Angry and frustrated with his parents’ relationship and their treatment of him ‘He called me a dirty tramp! My own father! Maybe he doesn’t mean it but he acts like he does.’ (why he got drunk) You’re tearing me apart and argument with them on stairs ‘Don’t I buy you everything you want?’ (Jim’s dad to him) ‘Can I talk to you guys? I gotta talk to someone.’ (Begs dad for advice on Chicken Run). Desperate – I don’t know what to do anymore except maybe die Brave and proud – chicken race Kind and loyal– helps Plato thoughout, offers him jacket, friendship, esp in the end ‘I’ve got the bullets’ Loving - towards Judy, wants to help his dad

5 What Allison says and thinks – important scenes She doesn't really speak but when the principal speaks to her she just squeals and hides underneath her huge hood on her coat and then she goes to get the lunch for people with Andy she said she drinks buckets of vodka and she shouts at clair HA! When they are speaking about parents.

6 What Allison does – this goes over previous description but focuses on the action Allison doesn't talk for the first thirty minutes but then she laughs at Claire and everyone is shocked because its probably the first time they heard her talk then she's sent with Andrew to get some lunch and he tries to make conversation with her and he asks what's her poison and she says vodka makes her sound like she's alone quite a lot and she hasn't got anything better to do Also at lunch her food was a sandwich but she takes out the filling and fills it with sugar and three handfuls of toffee popcorn and she had a coke and it spilt over so she drank it off the table so its like she addicted to sugar so she doesn't even want to waste any at all

7 What others characters say about her (how do the other characters react to her, how do they see her) Andy – is kind of intrigued by her because he starts asking her things when they go to get drinks for everyone Bender - he's interested by her and kind of likes her because he smiles at her when she lies to Claire Claire – she thinks she's weird because she's popular and she just kind of looks down on her Bryan – they haven't really talked to each other Parents – her parents just ignore her Principal – he thinks she's weird because when he shouted at her she just squeals'

8 Summary of Jim’s character analysis confident Brave caring Paternal Independent Frustrated Angry Irresponsible then responsible Qquick thinking When does my character live? Past, present or future? Where does my character live? In the country, the city, the suburbs…? What is the socioeconomic background of my character? Does my character work? If so, at what, if not what does he/she do? Who lives with my character and what are their relationships? Who else heavily influences my character? What is my character’s biggest goal within the film? What is the primary emotion my character has throughout this piece? What kind of self-esteem does my character have? How does my character relate to the outside world? What emotion should the audience feel toward my character? Sympathy, hate, friendly? In the beginning of the film, what do we discover about my character? In the middle of the film, how does my character grow and change? At the end of the film, what will happen to my character? How important is my character to the action of the film as a whole? How old is my character? How strong are my character’s emotions in this piece? Pure hatred? Mild lust? Does my character have their wants achieved at the end of the film? If not, will my character ever have those wants achieved? What person or fictional character does my character most remind me of? If I met my character, how would I react to them? What we think of Jim What Jim says and thinks What others say about him What Jim does Alison Parents - Judy - Plato Police - Buzz - other kids Determined to make a fresh start (tells his mum he doesn’t want to move again) ‘for once I want to do something right! And I don't want you to run away from me again! ‘ Peacemaker - Doesn’t want trouble (tries to limit fighting ) Love interest falls in love with Judy (sees her outside window wants to talk to her ) Wants to fit in (joke in planetarium) Angry and frustrated with his parents’ relationship and their treatment of him ‘He called me a dirty tramp! My own father! Maybe he doesn’t mean it but he acts like he does.’ (why he got drunk) You’re tearing me apart and argument with them on stairs ‘Don’t I buy you everything you want?’ (Jim’s dad to him) ‘Can I talk to you guys? I gotta talk to someone.’ (Begs dad for advice on Chicken Run). Desperate – I don’t know what to do anymore except maybe die Brave and proud – chicken race Kind and loyal– helps Plato throughout, offers him jacket, friendship, esp in the end ‘I’ve got the bullets’ Loving - towards Judy, wants to help his dad

9 Breakfast club scenes and quotes Scenes in ‘Breakfast Club’ 1985 – John Hughes Scene 1 – David Bowie quote/narration – Shermer High School March 24 th 1984 ‘and these children that you spit on as they try and change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They’re quite aware of what they’re going through…’ David Bowie Scene 2 – exterior kids being dropped off, interaction with their parents Scene 3 – All arrive at Saturday detention 7am Scene 4 –Vernon and Bender all bond against Vernon Scene 5 – Bender undoes door screw, Claire thinks he’s funny Scene 6 – Vernon and Bender head to head Scene 7 – montage each do different things character analysis Scene 8 – 10.20 Claire talks about her parents starts off conversation about parents Scene 9 – Carl the janitor and their treatment of him Scene 10 – Whistling bond – Alison speaks Scene 11 – Lunch analyse what they eat, Bender rep of Brian’s family, rep of Bender’s dad Scene 12 – The Escape ‘being bad feels pretty good’ all bond in escape against Vernon, confrontation and bullying Scene 13 – dope scene Scene 14 – Carl and Vernon talk about kids being the future Scene 15 – crucial soul bearing Scene 16 – makeover, writing, pairing up, end of detention Quotes v/o narration – ‘you see as, as you want to see us that’s the way we saw each other at 7 o’clock this morning, we were brainwashed.’ ‘you don’t even count’ Andrew to Bender ‘the next screw that falls out is going to be you’ Vernon to Bender ‘If you spent a little less time trying to impress people’ Vernon to Bender Bender: you’re a parent’s wet dream Bryan: that’s the problem Claire: I’m not that pristine Carl: following a broom around after shitheads like you I’ve learnt a couple of things. I am the eyes and ears of this institution. Bryan: I’ve been laid lots of times (to Bender) It’s only because I didn’t want her to hear I was a virgin’ (to Bender about Claire) Bender: being bad feels pretty good (to Claire) Andrew: What do you need an id for? Bryan: so I can vote Alison: my life is unsatisfying Bryan to Andrew: guys like you and me Alison to Andrew: you do everything everyone tells you to do Andrew to Alison: ok but I didn’t dump my stuff all over the couch and invite myself ‘they ignore me’ Carl and Vernon ‘ these kids get more and more arrogant’ Alison: I’m a nymphomaniac ‘We’re all pretty bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it’ Alison about Andrew: he can’t think for himself Andrew imitating his father: ‘you’ve got to be number one – I won’t tolerate any losers in this family’ Alison lightens soul searching tone by showing what she can do with her feet. Andrew: My God are we going to be like our parents? Bryan: I guess Alison and I are better than you guys huh? Us weirdos? More quotes -

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