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The Reformation continued. The Catholic Counter-Reformation  The Council of Trent (1545-1563)  Held to redefine Catholic beliefs and to stop the spread.

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Presentation on theme: "The Reformation continued. The Catholic Counter-Reformation  The Council of Trent (1545-1563)  Held to redefine Catholic beliefs and to stop the spread."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reformation continued

2 The Catholic Counter-Reformation  The Council of Trent (1545-1563)  Held to redefine Catholic beliefs and to stop the spread of Protestantism; ended the sale of indulgences  The Inquisition  Used by Church officials to end heresy by force. Trials were held to examine, often torture, those who opposed or denied church teachings.

3 The Catholic Counter-Reformation  The Jesuits  Begun by Ignatius Loyola in 1534, were dedicated to defending and spreading the Catholic faith.

4 Effects of the Reformation  End of Religious Unity  Europe’s religious differences led to a century of warfare between Protestants and Catholics.  Growth of Royal Power  Henry VIII broke with the Pope and became the head of the Church of England in 1534.  Persecution  Rulers tried to ensure that their subjects were all of one faith which led to the persecution of religious minorities.

5 Left Side Assignment  Create a multi-flow map describing the causes and effects of the Reformation.

6 The Political Impact  John Calvin believed that the ideal government was a theocracy  Created one in Geneva – governed according to strict rules

7 The Political Impact  When the Pope would not grant Henry VIII of England a divorce from his Spanish wife, Henry broke from the Catholic Church.  He made himself head of the Protestant Church of England in the Act of Supremacy.

8 The Political Impact  Wars between Catholics and Protestants began in the 1520s and lasted for more than a century.  During the Thirty Years War, 1/3 of the German population was killed.

9 The Political Impact  The power of secular rulers was strengthened, either in Protestant countries because they didn’t recognize the Pope, or in Catholic countries to help fight Protestantism.  Queen Elizabeth I of England maintained a moderate form of Protestantism and defended England from attacks by Catholic Spain.


11 The Artistic and Economic Impact  Catholic art glorified Jesus, Mary and the Saints.  Many Protestants felt that it was wrong to depict God and painted landscapes or “still life.”  The economy was stimulated in Northern Europe because the Church no longer collected taxes and by the need for new war goods.

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