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The “Middle” Medieval Period, 1000-1200 World History - Libertyville HS.

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1 The “Middle” Medieval Period, 1000-1200 World History - Libertyville HS

2 Middle Ages Characteristics Agricultural – More land was under cultivation because land was political POWER – Side effect was a dramatic increase in population & increase in revenue for the owner of land – Tech developments Spread of iron tools Better harnessing of animals Use of wind, water driven mills for food processing

3 Middle Ages Characteristics Social – From 1000 to about 1300, a population boom occurred – Population doubled In 1000 = 36 million In 1300 = 79 million In 1500 = 81 million – By comparison, Islamic population was steady or slightly declining

4 Middle Ages Characteristics Social, continued – Primogeniture led to aggressive adventures of colonization and conquest Younger sons sought their fortune wherever they could Influenced crusades, giving younger sons somewhere to try to carve out a land of their own – Peasants were enserfed, becoming tied to the land until after the Bubonic Plague (about 1400s)

5 Middle Ages Characteristics Economic – Increase in agriculture drove expansion of trade – Markets rewarded farmers for their increased production – Towns and cities benefited from increased trade b/c people moved from farms to cities – Emerging world markets Following crusades, Islamic trade goods in demand Goods = spices, luxury goods

6 Middle Ages Characteristics Rise of Guilds, around 1100 – Guild was an association of craftsmen of a particular trade – Examples = blacksmiths; tailors, merchants – Controlled access into their craft, who maintained the quality of work and price structure – Strict hierarchy of guild maintained

7 Middle Ages Characteristics Political – Slow process of political consolidation – Political reality was that power would go to whomever could control his vassals and attract adventurers to his cause

8 Middle Ages Characteristics Church corruption increasing – Priests were marrying – Simony: church selling positions in church to rich people Reaction and reforms – Rise of monastic orders Strict vow of poverty, chastity Set example for others – Papal reforms were mainly strictly enforcing rules against marriage, simony

9 What was going on in France? Northern France settled by Vikings in 900s – “Normans” began conquering other parts of Europe, like Sicily, Southern Italy (& England) – Dukes of France = Normandy, Anjou, Brittany, Burgundy, Provence) very powerful – often stronger than the king Capetian Dynasty controlled French throne for 800 years, but spent most of their time fighting with and marrying into the Ducal families

10 What was going on in England? Angles & Saxons (Germanic tribes) invaded Roman Britain Became Christian by 700 Viking attacks terrorized England after 793 Invasion by Normans in 1066 – Normandy was a part of Northern France settled by Vikings – William the Conqueror was the Duke of Normandy – Invaded, defeated last Anglo- Saxon King of England at the Battle of Hastingsdefeated – French speaking Normans became rulers of England

11 England English king was the most powerful in Europe Added parts of Scotland, Wales and Ireland to their kingdom Later kings fought with powerful British nobles, called Barons, for local control (eventually led to Parliament)

12 France Intermarriage between noble families led to claims, wars over European thrones for centuries – Ex – English kings were related by blood, marriage, to just about every other duke of France and the Capetian dynasty – 1337 – King Edward of England claimed French crown for himself, triggering decades of war

13 What was going on in …? The Holy Roman Empire? – Otto’s heirs lost right of investiture to church – By 1300, HRE decentralized – Became a loosely controlled area equal in size to modern day Germany, Austria, part of Switzerland Eastern Europe? – Poland: pagan, became Christian by 966 AD – Hungary: Magyars; became Christian in 1000 AD Italy? – Papal States: Pope ruled as monarch – Popes became corrupted by secular power HRE in 1050 HRE in 1300

14 What was going on in… Spain? – Following Islamic conquest in 700s, Catholics, Muslims and Jewish people lived in uneasy peace – Muslim centers of learning included Cordoba, Seville – Reconquista Gradual re-conquest, over 700 years, of Spain by Catholic forcesre-conquest Catholics slaughtered Jewish and Muslims alike, “purifying” Spain

15 What was going on in Lithuania / Poland? Slavic, pagan states until 13 th century From 14 th to 17 th C., Poland-Lithuania was the largest state in Europe – Nobles democratically elected king – King’s power gradually declined as nobles gathered more power to themselves – Process of decentralization

16 What’s going on in Hungary? Settled by Magyar tribesman, from the Western Steppe Language not Indo- European but instead Finno-Ugric Converted to Christianity in 1000 AD

17 What’s going on in the Papal States (Italy)? Catholic Church, Pope, controlled central Italy, through the Papal States Church thus had both secular and sacred power Popes became corrupt – As – or more – powerful than most European kings – Power to excommunicate those that did not cooperate with church was a powerful tool

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