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Max Weber April 22, 1864- June 14, 1920. Marianne and Max Weber Some of the books by Max Weber The Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism The Religion.

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Presentation on theme: "Max Weber April 22, 1864- June 14, 1920. Marianne and Max Weber Some of the books by Max Weber The Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism The Religion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Max Weber April 22, 1864- June 14, 1920

2 Marianne and Max Weber Some of the books by Max Weber The Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism The Religion of China The Religion of India The City Economy & Society Politics as Vocation Ancient Judaism Some of the books by Marianne Weber 1870-1954 Feminist, political activist, Scholar Politics and the Women’s Movement Marriage, Motherhood, and Law Authority and Autonomy in Marriage Women and Objective Culture The New Woman

3 Some key ideas from Max Weber Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism Rationality Bureaucracy

4 Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism Q. Why did the industrial revolution develop most in England and the United States? A.In part, because that is where the capitalist worker developed most.

5 Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism Q. Why did the capitalist worker develop the most in England and the United States? A. In part, because Protestants, especially Calvinists, make better capitalist workers than Catholics.

6 The essence of the challenge: To transform a person from one who works to live to one who lives to work.

7 Calvinism Predestination = Anxiety Material evidence of Spiritual Status Work as spiritual calling

8 hard workers + efficient organizational structure = maximum industrial output

9 Rationality Formal Rationality = means-end calculation universally applied rules, laws, regulations Bureaucracy= Formal rationality embedded in social institutions /societal structure

10 A bureaucracy has…  Hierarchy of authority  Impersonality  Written rules of conduct  Promotion based on achievement not nepotism  Specialized division of labor  Efficiency

11 A bureaucracy is…. Rational, means-end oriented, efficient. But….. The rational can become irrational, and inefficient and Weber feared that it would.

12 And that’s where Ritzer picks up the discussion…

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