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ARCHETYPES Archetypes are universal symbols, motifs or themes that may be found among many different cultures. They recur in the myths of people worldwide.

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Presentation on theme: "ARCHETYPES Archetypes are universal symbols, motifs or themes that may be found among many different cultures. They recur in the myths of people worldwide."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARCHETYPES Archetypes are universal symbols, motifs or themes that may be found among many different cultures. They recur in the myths of people worldwide. These symbols carry the same or very similar meanings for a large portion, if not all, of mankind... certain symbols, such as the sky father and earth mother, light, blood, up-down, and others recur again and again in cultures so remote from one another in space and time that there is no likelihood of any historical influence and causal connection among them (Guerin 15).

2 WATER birth-death-resurrection creation purification and redemption fertility and growth

3 SEA/OCEAN the mother of all life spiritual mystery death and/or rebirth timelessness and eternity

4 RIVERS death and rebirth (baptism) the flowing of time into eternity transitional phases of the life cycle

5 SUN creative energy thinking, enlightenment, wisdom, spiritual vision

6 RISING SUN birth, creation, enlightenment


8 RED blood, sacrifice, passion disorder

9 GREEN growth, hope, fertility

10 BLUE highly positive secure tranquil spiritual purity

11 BLACK darkness, chaos, mystery, the unknown death wisdom evil melancholy

12 WHITE light, purity, innocence, death, terror, supernatural light, purity, innocence, timelessness

13 YELLOW enlightenment, wisdom

14 SERPENT symbol of energy and pure force (libido) evil, corruption, sensuality, destruction

15 3 light, spiritual awareness, unity (the Holy Trinity) male force

16 4 associated with the circle, life cycle, four seasons female force

17 7 the most potent of all symbolic numbers, signifying the union of three and four the completion of a cycle perfect order religious symbol

18 7 7 days of the week 7 Deadly Sins/7 Virtues 7 Heavens of Judaism, Islam, Hinduism Lucky Number 7

19 12 Product of 3 and 4 12 months 12 Olympian gods 12 Apostles 12 hours on clock 12 Apostles

20 WISE OLD MAN savior, redeemer, guru representing knowledge, reflection, insight, wisdom, intuition, and morality

21 GARDEN paradise, innocence, unspoiled beauty

22 TREE denotes life of the cosmos growth proliferation symbol of immortality phallic symbol

23 DESERT spiritual aridity death hopelessness

24 CREATION Almost all cultures believe the Cosmos was brought into existence by some Supernatural Being (or Beings)

25 SPRING Rebirth, childhood

26 SUMMER Life, growth, young adulthood

27 FALL death/dying, adulthood

28 WINTER without life/death, old age

29 FREUD'S SYMBOLISM/ARCHETYPES Concave images (ponds, flowers, cups, vases, hollows) female or womb symbols (yonic)

30 FREUD'S SYMBOLISM/ARCHETYPES Phallic symbols (towers, mountain peaks, snakes, knives, swords, etc.) male symbols

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