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[Brief] Make a bigger impact by saying less  By Joseph McCormack By: Justin Tomasini.

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Presentation on theme: "[Brief] Make a bigger impact by saying less  By Joseph McCormack By: Justin Tomasini."— Presentation transcript:

1 [Brief] Make a bigger impact by saying less  By Joseph McCormack By: Justin Tomasini

2 Introduction U5SSo U5SSo

3 Things to watch for Short intro film Brevity The Elusive 600 Shocking numbers 7 capital sins (struggle) Keys to brevity BRIEF map Telling vs. Selling TALC structure Conclusion

4 Brevity Get to the point or pay the price! Information overload I love you I just wanted to let you know that I adore everything about you and will cherish you till the day I die and now that we have come so far I thought I might let you know that I love the way your hair blows in the wind and the way you smile just makes me so happy. I will never let go of what we have because it is too good to lose and you are my closest friend and my soul mate and I just thought id let you know how much you mean to me! xoxo

5 The Elusive 600 Managing excess mental bandwidth People speak about 150 words per minute Mental capacity of about 750 words per minute So what do we do with our extra 600??? – Other thoughts – impulsively share – Triggers (single word) Manage it!

6 Shocking Numbers Number of emails avg. professional receives per week? – 304 Number of times avg. person checks smartphone per day? – 150 Number of times a worker is interrupted each day – 60 Number of minutes it takes to return to a task? – 25 Amount interruptions cost businesses each year? – $588 Billion

7 7 capital sins (struggle) Why is being brief so hard??? Cowardice – “I’m afraid it’s hard to say” Confidence – “I know the material so well” Callousness – “This will only take a minute” Comfort – “once I start talking, get on a roll” Confusion – “Thinking out loud” Complication – “you cannot explain it easily” Carelessness – “Did I say that out loud”

8 Keys to Brevity Map it – Brief maps used to condense info Tell it – explain in a way that is clear, concise, and compelling Talk it – TALC Tracks turn monologues into controlled conversations Show it – Visuals attract attention (65% learn visually) Map it Tell it Show it Talk it

9 BRIEF map B: Background/ Beginning R: Reason/ Relevance I: Key Information E: Intended Ending F: Expected Follow-up Questions

10 Talking vs. Selling Telling your audience a well-researched and well-structured story is more effective than just selling your point of view – Leaves positive impression – Encourages involvement – It’s respectful

11 TALC structure T: Talk AL: Actively Listen C: Converse T AL C

12 Conclusion Tighten your message to be sure your audience is on track Executive are busy, and you rambling presentation gets lost in their daily flood of information

13 The End Thank you for your time! Any questions?

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