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 Wed, Nov 7 will be the last day to turn in note cards, outline, works cited page, letter of intent, and rough draft!!!  Final copy due on Mon, Nov 12.

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Presentation on theme: " Wed, Nov 7 will be the last day to turn in note cards, outline, works cited page, letter of intent, and rough draft!!!  Final copy due on Mon, Nov 12."— Presentation transcript:

1  Wed, Nov 7 will be the last day to turn in note cards, outline, works cited page, letter of intent, and rough draft!!!  Final copy due on Mon, Nov 12.  If you don’t have a printer, you can send me your work as an email attachment to my personal email. I will print it for you!!!  I’m only taking ten points off each assignment for late work!!!!

2  To relate characters, theme, and setting of the “Prologue” to historical, social, and economic ideas of the times.  To recognize any errors in rough draft for International Research project.

3  Journal  Work on character chart and “Dinner with the Pilgrims” chart.  While students are working, I will meet with each of you who have rough draft to discuss your work.

4  Lust  Avarice (greed)  Sloth (laziness)  Pride  Envy  Gluttony  anger

5  Which of the seven deadly sins do you think people today are most guilty of? Explain with examples. You may discuss more than one.

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