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1 Adapting and Designing Additional Module Assessments Session 5, February 2014 NTI

2 EngageNY.org2 Learning Targets I can adapt or design assessments for use within the context of the modules while still maintaining their alignment to module targets.

3 Why Adapt Assessments? Please greet the people at your table and discuss:  For what reasons and under what circumstances do you see teachers adapting module assessments? EngageNY.org3

4 Assessment Design Visuals When directions are complete:  Draw a visual representation (flow chart, symbol, other) of your current practices related to creating assessments and/or the practices you see teachers use most often).  In about 5 minutes, share and explain that representation with a neighbor. EngageNY.org4

5 Critical Components of Assessment Design EngageNY.org5 Divide into groups of 4. Locate the 4-Square graphic organizer in your notebook. You will: Select one text from the Jigsaw Folder on your table. Read your chosen text (get as far as you can in 10 minutes), annotating details related to your portion of the critical components of designing common core-aligned assessments. Capture the critical components discussed in your chosen text (5 minutes) Share your notes with the group while others capture thinking in the relevant box (5 minutes each member of the group = 20 minutes)

6 Assessment Design in Action Locate the sample Grade 6 assessment in your notebook. What key words determine specifically what students should know, understand, and be able to do? Goal: EngageNY.org6 RI.6.3Analyze in detail how a key individual or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes). RI.6.4Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. RI.6.6Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.

7 Assessment Design in Action What at key words determine specifically what students should know, understand, and be able to do? EngageNY.org7 RI.6.3Analyze in detail how a key individual or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes). RI.6.4Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. RI.6.6Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.

8 The Just Right Text First important task is to find an appropriate chunk of text:  Allows for the assessment of the intended standards.  Right level of complexity  Not offensive or overly biased “Cold” read (not studied in class), but connected to what students are learning (relevance). EngageNY.org8

9 What Type of Task? Next task is to think about right type of assessment for the level of skill required (target-method match)  Analyze = show thinking/performance assessment (graphic organizer)  Determine = identify. (selected response)  Determine + explain = written response See the chart “Target-Method Match” for further guidance in this area. EngageNY.org9

10 Take a Test-Drive EngageNY.org10 Doing the task yourself reveals many possible confusions and clarifies what teaching students will need in order to be successful.

11 Finally: Plan the Lessons that Lead to the Assessment Good ol’ Understanding by Design (those guys are really smart. ) This keeps lessons tightly focused on the intended standards. Implications: If teachers adapt assessments they may very well need to adapt the lessons leading up to them. EngageNY.org11

12 A Resource Document Locate the document “ELA 3-8 Curriculum Modules: A Look at Assessment Design” for further reference. A deeper look at the assessment design process used by Expeditionary Learning’s curriculum teams. EngageNY.org12

13 Why Adapt/Design Module Assessments? If/as schools find themselves adapting the modules, they may have a similar need to adapt assessments. In addition, schools may want to add assessments to gather student data more often. Schools may want to add items to assessments in order to check on previously mastered standards and/or to preassess standards yet to be addressed. Assessments may become invalid over time, for example, if students gain access to the assessments prior to their administration. EngageNY.org13

14 Practice See the “package” of texts and a task card in the folder on your table (1 folder for every two participants). Work with a partner to:  Analyze the standard to be assessed.  Analyze the texts for which will be allow for assessing the standards at the right level of complexity. Choose the best text.  Write appropriate assessment items for that text and that standard.  30 minutes. EngageNY.org14

15 Share Meet with another group at your table and share:  What did you determine about the standard?  What text best supported assessment of this standard and why?  What type of assessment task did you create and why? 5 minutes each team, for a total of 10 minutes. EngageNY.org15

16 Return to Your Visual Add and/or reinforce ideas on your original visual. What new or stronger thinking has this session developed in you? (5 minutes). Talk with a person from your table that you have not partnered with yet this session to share your new ideas (go ahead and get up!) (5 minutes) EngageNY.org16

17 Final Synthesis Take the last 5 minutes to capture important ideas to remember in your Participants’ Journal. PLEASE visit the NTI feedback link that was provided to evaluate both this session and the entire NTI (or use Plus/Delta cards). We value your feedback. EngageNY.org17

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