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Why Do We Need to Pass a Referendum on November 3, 2015? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Do We Need to Pass a Referendum on November 3, 2015? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Do We Need to Pass a Referendum on November 3, 2015? 1

2 Zionsville and ZCS Achievements 94% of 2015 graduating class going to 2 or 4 year college 64% of graduating class earned Academic Honors diploma Best Place to Live in Indiana— ZCHS recognized as one of the Best High Schools in America—Newsweek magazine (1 of 2 in Indiana)

3 2012 Referendum Currently supports 87 teaching positions Ended Crowded Classes Protected Home Values –MIBOR reports a 23% increase in Boone Co. listings and 21% increase in home sales over last year (Source: Indianapolis Star Sunday, August 9, 2015) Expires in December 2015 3

4 2015 Referendum Request Same rate as the 2012 referendum that is expiring $.2444 per $100 of net assessed valuation 4

5 Six Years Provides stability Students Educational Programs Community Homeowners Teacher Recruitment and Retention Provides three additional legislative cycles to effect funding formula change Can be reduced any year that it is not needed 5

6 Failure to pass referendum WILL NOT mean status quo ZCS will be unable to retain current class sizes and programs Cuts would be wider and deeper than in 2011 due to enrollment growth 6

7 Cuts made in 2011 29 classroom teacher and administrator layoffs 125 support staff cuts Elimination of elementary health/PE and science specialty teachers Elimination of International Baccalaureate program Growing class sizes at all levels including 40+ students in freshman English and inability to safely use high school science labs Implementation of sports and club fees 7

8 Without a Referendum Reduction of 120 staff by 2017 Major instructional programs eliminated Class sizes greatly elevated at ALL grade levels Elimination of sports and clubs or doubling of fees to make self-funded 8

9 Taxpayer Impact Residential property taxpayers will see little to no change Maximum rate has never been levied, so if it were there could be a very modest increase in net referendum amount Changes in assessment will cause differences Reductions in the regular school tax levy will offset referendum amount for many commercial, multi-family and agricultural taxpayers 22.5 cent reduction in 2015 Projected to decrease an additional 7 cents in 2016 9

10 ZCS’ General Fund ZCS and local citizens worked with other Fix-It Coalition members to advocate for legislative funding formula change. Resulted in a slight increase for ZCS in 2016 and 2017 Still projected to be $710 below the state average per student Not enough to maintain current programs or staffing Significantly below 2011 funding when drastic cuts were made Lowest per pupil funding in the state for 2016 and 2017 10

11 Even with increases in state funding over the next two years, ZCS will still be well below the level of funding in 2011 when drastic cuts were made. ZCS will be the lowest funded school district in 2016 and 2017. ZCS will receive $710 below the average per student amount in 2016.

12 Self-Help Continues ZCS reduced overall debt payments by $13.1 million through refinancing 22.5 cent reduction in the regular school tax rate in 2015. Used remaining bond funds to increase high school capacity and address maintenance and repair issues with no new debt Developed revenue streams through facility rental, preschool operation and before and after school care 12

13 Great Schools Enhance property values Promote community safety Help diversify the tax base Serve our students best! 13

14 Support Our Schools Election Day is November 3 Voter turnout as low as 11 percent To register or for voter information visit: Voter registration deadline is October 5

15 For More Information School district is prevented by law from expending resources Please visit Facebook: Zionsville Yes Twitter: @ZionsvilleYes For yard signs or to volunteer, please email: 15

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