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9 Simple Steps to Building A Strong and Inspiring “Why or I” Story

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Presentation on theme: "9 Simple Steps to Building A Strong and Inspiring “Why or I” Story"— Presentation transcript:

1 9 Simple Steps to Building A Strong and Inspiring “Why or I” Story
Whose life will you change today by sharing your story?

2 Why is a Strong I Story so important?
Connections: people need to know who you are so they feel connected. People won’t care what you know until they know how much you care. Be Relatable: people need to know that you aren’t some rock star, you need to be someone they can duplicate. Calming Fears: let them know that you had fears too and that fears are normal! Facts Tell but Stories Sell: who wants to hear about facts and numbers. People would rather hear your story and how you made it work.

3 Step 1: What is your Name? This is very simple. You want to introduce yourself to the group and tell them what they can expect to see from your presentation. Keep is simple and precise.

4 Step 2: Tell a little bit about yourself
This is not your life story. This is simply telling people who you are so they can connect with you. For example, if you are a makeup artist or doctor, you don’t want people to assume you have to be a makeup artist or doctor to be successful in Arbonne. Focus on the relatable, while you share. You want to resonate with the group you are in front of.

5 Step 3: How were you introduced to Arbonne?
This is always fun! Explain to people how you were introduced to Arbonne. Some of you may have been introduced to Arbonne a few times and that is ok to say! Again, keep it light. Have fun. Your tone of voice helps you tell your story. And that is all you are doing. Telling a story. You want to intrigue them to WANT to hear more.

6 Step 4: What did you think?
Let your personality shine on this one! When you do this the right way you will usually see a person nodding their head unintentionally or leaning in more. People like to hear that you had fears, reservations, etc.! This makes you very relatable! They can see themselves in you. And it sets off that tiny voice in their head that says “maybe I can do this too”.

7 Step 5: What got you thinking that this business could be for you?
This is where you just want to talk from your heart. Tell them WHY this was something you were willing to do. Tell them WHY your fears seemed to not matter as much. I share that I knew even if I worked for 30+ years in my profession, I would never have the opportunity at the income potential Arbonne offered, not to mention tax deductions, trips, etc. Give them a reason to dream forward, be intrigued and think about the possibilities for THEM.

8 Step 6: 4 Hesitations or fears you had
Here is your chance to share your hesitations. This is also your opportunity to calm their fears and to show them that the thoughts that might run through their head tonight went through yours too. But let me tell you this is NOT a place where you talk about struggles you have had in your business! This is only what you were originally afraid of! Public Speaking Selling to your friends Not knowing enough people Not enough time

9 Step 7: Turning Point This is pretty simple. What finally was the nail in the coffin;) What made you take that leap into the unknown? There is no right or wrong answer here, just YOUR answer! So own it and tell people! Share that you thought, “I had nothing to lose, only major things to gain through this business.” OR “My friend said, instead of thinking what if this doesn’t work for me, think about how your life will change if it does!” That gave me hope for my future….and guess, what? It is working!

10 Step 8: Give them a glimpse into your future with this business.
Ok, so this is the part in your I story where you want to paint a picture of what your life and their life could look like if you are new. Or if you have already found success in your business what your life looks like now and where you go from there. This is HUGE! This is official where you become a HOPE DEALER and DREAM CREATOR! As sad as it is most people have forgotten how to dream. Help them out!

11 Step 9: Invite them to join you!
Offer everyone them the opportunity to learn more about this business! Asking them to take a peak/join you, can make all the difference in someone joining your business or not. And remember, however you word it, at some point let them know that this business may not be for them but they may know someone it is a fit for. Speak with enthusiasm and conviction- people want to do business with people who know where they are headed and are confident.

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