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L ET ’ S T ALK ABOUT YOUR LIFE … ( SO FAR ) By Kim Vurek I am… I am creative I am talkative I am strong I am Filipino American I am a sister, a friend,

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Presentation on theme: "L ET ’ S T ALK ABOUT YOUR LIFE … ( SO FAR ) By Kim Vurek I am… I am creative I am talkative I am strong I am Filipino American I am a sister, a friend,"— Presentation transcript:

1 L ET ’ S T ALK ABOUT YOUR LIFE … ( SO FAR ) By Kim Vurek I am… I am creative I am talkative I am strong I am Filipino American I am a sister, a friend, a daughter I am ME…

2 WHO ARE YOU ? Have you ever thought of where stories come from?? Do your parents ever tell you stories from where you were younger?? How will you remember all these AMAZING stories when you get older?? What images/pictures come to mind when you think about yourself image? What will you story say about you? Story time!!! I started the 1989 earthquake! I am a proud Filipino American!

3 T HIS IS WHERE WE START … Search, Create, Ask, Learn Something New… Pictures Pictures of family members, friends, pets, favorite places Cut and paste images from the internet that represent you, create a collage! Poems “I Am” – to be filled out (handout provided) and posted somewhere in your book: on the cover, on the back cover, next to you “about me” page, get creative! Look for quotes/poems that speak to you… OR write your own! Using handouts as guides Ask your family members stories about their memories you and them together Answer questions about your self that you haven’t thought about before

4 L ET ’ S U SE A N E BOOK ! What is this?? An online book that will allow us to create a book custom fit for you! How will we do this??? Learn how to use Ebook this will require lab time and time at home on your computer I will walk you through how to use this site I will be available after school and during lunch upon request!

5 H OW L ONG I S T HIS G OING TO T AKE ? Week 1: intro to project/lab: learning how to use Ebook Week 2: begin writing down memories/stories/etc handouts will be given and will be due the next day after handed out Lab time to learn/start Ebook Week 3: Start/continue creating Ebook Week 4: Still Creating… Week 5/6: Presentations!!

6 W HAT W ILL I B E G RADING Y OU O N ? You will be graded on: Content (creativity): Did you use pictures/images/videos/audio Did you put YOU into your book? Presentation skills: how well did you address your audience did you make eye contact was your voice loud and clear Grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.


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