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C3 Chemicals in Our Lives – Risks & Benefits Lesson 11: PVC.

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1 C3 Chemicals in Our Lives – Risks & Benefits Lesson 11: PVC

2 Objectives MUST explain that PVC is polymer of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine SHOULD explain why plasticisers in some types of PVC may be harmful

3 Key Words You need to be able to define the following: ◦ PVC ◦ Plasticisers ◦ Leaching

4 Textbook Answers 1)Plasticised PVC – electrical insulation; any use of sheet PVC; fake leather. uPVC – construction-related uses: e.g. pipes, gutters, window frames. 2)It is soft and flexible. 3)If the baby sucks on the toy the plasticiser can be leached/washed out of the material by saliva and swallowed. 4)Tests on lab rats and from fish. 5)Pollution from the manufacturing process; fumes from fires; leaching of plasticisers. 6)PVC has a high risk because of the answers to question 5; plasticised PVC should be banned because of the risk from plasticisers; alternatively the many uses of PVC make it too valuable a material to be banned.

5 Worksheet Answers Activity 1 (Low demand) 1)a) Strong/ hardwearing/ tough; b) an insulator/ flexible; c) soft/ flexible/ water resistant; d) tough/ hardwearing/ can be shaped easily. 2)a) 3; b) Contains chlorine as well as carbon and hydrogen. c) (i) Lots of polymer molecules close together; (ii) Polymer molecules spaced out by smaller molecules. Activity 2 (Standard demand) 1)Look for points for and against the use of PVC cling film, quality of sources, opinions based on evidence. 2)Plasticiser washed out clothes etc. when washed; carried to sewage works; then into watercourses and absorbed by fish.

6 Worksheet Answers Activity 3 (High demand) 1)Tests to show how much plasticiser is leached from the polymer; tests (on animals) to find the effects of the plasticiser; epidemiological surveys to find a link between children using the toys and suffering from poor health. 2)Report should provide evidence for both sides and list any sources used; a limited ban may be justified; a more general ban will await alternatives to PVC that do the jobs more safely.

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