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Russ Gibbs PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Russ Gibbs PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russ Gibbs PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

2 Topics of the Day  Pennsylvania Forest Ownership  Need for Forest Stewardship  Forest Stewardship Program

3 Need for Forest Stewardship


5 Who Owns Pennsylvania’s Forests? State Forests and Parks State Game Lands Allegheny National Forest Families and individuals Corporate Forest industry Source: National Woodland Owner Survey, 1994

6 Need for Stewardship & Planning  Many private forest landowners have no management plans at all  Forest landowners are unsure of their objectives  Unaware of how forests can benefit from management practices  Some do not realize the financial value of their woodlands  Others may not understand sustainable management practices


8 Forest Stewardship Program

9 Forest Stewardship Program Goal: Sustaining private forestlands 1. Provide education and technical assistance 2. Encourage management plans

10 Forest Stewardship Program Provides  Technical Assistance






16 SUGGESTED SCHEDULE OF MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES YEARPARCELACTIVITY 2009ATravel Corridors 2010BGroup Selection 2011AForest Openings 2012Open FieldsEstablish Borders 2013CThinning (improvement cut) 2014ECreate Snags 2015ACreate Snags 2016BGroup Selection 2017CBuild Hiking Trail This schedule may need to be adjusted depending on financial needs, timber markets, timing of actual harvest, and availability of contractors.







23 Forest Stewardship Program Provides  Education and Awareness

24 Education and Awareness Publications (Forest Stewardship Series) Programs and presentations Internet site (PA DCNR) Outreach and training Pennsylvania Forest Stewards volunteers Woodland owner association groups

25 Forest Stewardship Resources

26 Summary  Pennsylvania Forest Ownership  Importance of Forest Stewardship  Forest Stewardship Program

27 Questions? Russ Gibbs Service Forester Bureau of Forestry 10 Nickman Plaza Lemont Furnace, PA 15456 (724) 437-7983

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