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Solar Energy Kayla Burton and Emily Margewich. Primary Energy Source  The Sun.!

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Energy Kayla Burton and Emily Margewich. Primary Energy Source  The Sun.!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Energy Kayla Burton and Emily Margewich

2 Primary Energy Source  The Sun.!

3 History  1860- August Mouchout- first man to use solar energy Changed it into steam engine.  1883- Charles Fritz- Turned suns rays into electricity.

4 Geographic Distribution  Distribution depends on… latitude Season Time of day  Most favorable belt… 15°N and 35°N Greatest amount radiation Small rainfall Less cloud coverage

5 Continued  Moderately favorable belt Equator and 15°N Humidity is high Cloud coverage is frequent  Less favorable belt latitude 35°N and 45°N Seasonal variation  Intensity and daylight hours

6 Pollutants  No pollution

7 How the system works

8 Requirements for the system to work  Sun rays and solar cells

9 Pros  No pollution  Quiet  Harness electricity

10 Cons  Expensive  Only good throughout the day  Elements can effect efficiency

11 Impact on the environment  Manufacturing of photovoltaic cells Harmful for workers to breathe in  Large amount of land use for plant Destroying environment for animals  Disposal of the panels

12 Solar energy’s abundance  A lot of it Sun

13 Costs  About $4.50 per Watt.  $150 for generators.  $15 per sq. ft. of heating/cooling space.

14 Extra Points  Arizona, Colorado, Georgia 3 highest solar energy potential in the US.  Solar energy is the longest used energy source.

15 Works Cited  facts/  

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