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Topic 1 Definition of Tourism.

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1 Topic 1 Definition of Tourism

2 Definition of tourism Definition of tourism and of visitors
Key words to characterize a visitor Usual environment Purpose of the visit Duration of the stay Residence Difference from nationality As a criterion to define forms of tourism

3 Tourism It comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited (TSA : RMF ¶2.1

4 Visitors Any person traveling to a place other than his/her usual environment for less than 12 months and whose main purpose of trips is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. Tourism is concerned by the activity of visitors

5 Basic tourism units TRAVELERS VISITORS OTHER

6 The activities of visitors and their characteristics
They displace themselves from their usual environment; They sleep somewhere (if overnight stay); They eat; They occupy themselves (main purpose and other purposes); These activities interact with the place visited.

7 Key words: 1) Usual environment: the direct vicinity of home and places of work or study and other places frequently visited. Two dimensions: Frequency Distance

8 Key words 2) Duration of the stay : the stay in the place visited should not last more than 12 consecutive months (beyond which the visitor would become a resident to that place.

9 Key words 3) Purpose of the visit : to be considered a visitor, the main purpose of the visit should be other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited. Tourism excludes migratory movements for work purposes and boarder workers.

10 Residence The place of residence of an economic transactor is defined as the place of his/her main center of economic interest; It is not based on nationality or legal criteria; The notion of economic territory might differ from the political boundaries of a country; All individual has a unique residence but might have more than one nationality;

11 Different forms of tourism
Domestic tourism: is the tourism of resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference. Inbound tourism: is the tourism of non-resident visitors within the economic territory of the country of reference. Outbound tourism: is the tourism of resident visitors outside the economic territory of the country of reference.. Internal tourism: is the tourism, of both resident and non–resident visitors, within the economic territory of the country of reference. National tourism: is the tourism of resident visitors, within and outside the economic territory of the country of reference.


13 Topic 2 Tourism statistics

14 Tourism statistics Introduction to the system of tourism statistics (STS) Information requirements Basic non monetary indicators included within a TSA

15 General introduction Tourism Statistics as a system: a new perspective; Historical background: the international efforts to build a statistical framework for the study of tourism; The structure of a STS;

16 Tourism Statistics as a system(1)
Until recently, tourism statistics had been viewed as a collection of data concerning different aspects of the phenomenon: At particular geographical level; Certain categories of visitors defined by typology; Concerning certain channels of entries; Concerning certain types of accommodations, etc.

17 Tourism Statistics as a system(2)
In most cases, there was no intent-ion to make these different data compatible and comparable so that no general picture was possible. There was no system of Tourism Statistics.

18 International efforts in order to build a statistical framework
1937: Council of leagues of Nations: proposition for a definition of an International tourist; 1953: United Nations Statistical Commission establishes the concept of “international visitor”. UN Conference on International Travel and Tourism (Rome 1963) recommends definitions for visitor, tourist, same-day visitor 9reviewd in 1967 and 1968) 1978 provisional guidelines on statistics on international tourism; 1993 adoption by UNSC of the Recommendations on Tourism Statistics;

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