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Europeans as Explorers, Conquerors & Traders History 104 / January 9, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Europeans as Explorers, Conquerors & Traders History 104 / January 9, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europeans as Explorers, Conquerors & Traders History 104 / January 9, 2013

2 The expansion of the Ottoman Turkish empire

3 The fall of Constantinople, 1453 (contemporary & modern renderings)

4 From Constantinople to Istanbul The conversion of the Hagia Sophia (I)

5 From Constantinople to Istanbul The conversion of the Hagia Sophia (II)

6 Suleiman the magnificent Sultan of Turkey, 1520-1566

7 The Turkish siege of Vienna, 1529

8 Prince Henry “the Navigator” Portuguese Noble, 1394-1460

9 Bartholomeu Dias (1450-1500) Here: Dias Cross on the coast of Namibia, 1487

10 Dias rounds the Cape of Good Hope, 1488

11 The last leg: Vasco de Gama’s voyage to India, 1497-1499

12 Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile (married 1479)


14 The Surrender of Granada in 1492 (painted by Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz, 1882)

15 The expulsion of the Spanish (Sephardic) Jews, 1492


17 Ottoman Turkey receives Jewish refugees from Spain

18 Spanish victories over centralized empires

19 Hernán Cortés (1485-1547) Wrests Mexico from the Aztecs, 1519-21

20 Francisco Pizarro ca. 1475-1541 seizes the Inca capital, Cuzco, in 1533

21 The biological encounter across the Atlantic

22 Martin Waldseemüller’s world map, ca. 1507

23 “The new islands behind Spain to the East, near the country of India” (1544)

24 Spain hauls back 300 tons of silver per year from Peru & Mexico

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