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Some Challenges for the UK? Professor Phil James Oxford Brookes University.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Challenges for the UK? Professor Phil James Oxford Brookes University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Challenges for the UK? Professor Phil James Oxford Brookes University

2 Session Objectives Identify key points of national policy variation highlighted by the previous presentations Consider the challenges they pose for future UK policy

3 Starting Points Current OH provision problematic Effective OH provision is something of value Government has a role, not to say a duty, to improve the present situation

4 Policy challenges for UK Regulation of employer-based OH provision: Is the current regulatory approach towards employers - general obligations plus guidance - adequate? Should the issue of rehabilitation be the subject of specific regulatory requirements Is there a case to move away from ‘work-relatedness’ OH provision (and accountability) from ‘beyond the workplace’ What role should social welfare and other government bodies play in such provision? What role should ‘markets’ play and how should they be stimulated on a voluntary or regulatory basis? Should the principle that ‘employers pay’ be a guiding one? What role for inspection and enforcement, including with regard to work design etc Should the taxpayer pay for what employers are failing, often legally, to do?

5 Policy Challenges for UK Balance between workplace and beyond the workplace provision: Issue of ‘contingent’ and transient workers Relationship between OH provision and NHS? Relationship between OH provision and DWP services? Relationship between occupational and public health? Financial incentives: How can employers be further incentivised, financially, to address occupational health issues effectively? To what extent does action of this type require a re-configuration of current systems of compensation for work-related harm? Should such a re-configuration extend to the incorporation of non- work-related ill health?

6 Policy Challenges for UK Role of social partners: Are the current workplace based rights of union and non-union reps adequate? Should there be ‘joint ownership’ of OH provision Should unions have the right to intervene legally from ‘beyond the workplace’ and in rehabilitation? Is there a case to support unions financially in respect of their health and safety activities? Occupational health expertise: Is the current expertise available sufficient? What action could be taken to increase this expertise? What balance should be struck between ‘lay competence’ and the use of ‘specialists/professionals’? Do we need new categories of ‘specialists/professionals’?

7 Policy Challenges for the UK Philosophy: Access to OH provision as a right? Access to OH provision if it is cost- effective?

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