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Seminar 6 Chapters 9 & 10. Project for Unit 6 Due by midnight on Tuesday, July 20. Due by midnight on Tuesday, July 20. Review the project description.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar 6 Chapters 9 & 10. Project for Unit 6 Due by midnight on Tuesday, July 20. Due by midnight on Tuesday, July 20. Review the project description."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar 6 Chapters 9 & 10

2 Project for Unit 6 Due by midnight on Tuesday, July 20. Due by midnight on Tuesday, July 20. Review the project description under the Unit 6 tab. Review the project description under the Unit 6 tab. Review the Project 6 grading rubrics in the syllabus. Review the Project 6 grading rubrics in the syllabus. Choose a specific population you feel is vulnerable in terms of crime. Choose a specific population you feel is vulnerable in terms of crime.

3 Project for Unit 6 Begin your paper with a discussion on the particular population and the issues that surround that population. Begin your paper with a discussion on the particular population and the issues that surround that population. Explain why you chose this group for this project. Explain why you chose this group for this project. Using the readings in this unit and the videos, discuss the social influences on the criminals you have chosen. Be sure to use the concepts and theories you learn about to substantiate your ideas. Using the readings in this unit and the videos, discuss the social influences on the criminals you have chosen. Be sure to use the concepts and theories you learn about to substantiate your ideas.

4 Project for Unit 6 Discuss the following questions: Discuss the following questions: Of what use is intervention and prevention for this population? Of what use is intervention and prevention for this population? What needs to be done in the American justice system to combat crimes committed by the group you have chosen to study? What needs to be done in the American justice system to combat crimes committed by the group you have chosen to study? Finally, discuss how the issues attached to the chosen population and the social issue of crime affect society. Finally, discuss how the issues attached to the chosen population and the social issue of crime affect society.

5 Project for Unit 6 The websites listed in the Reading tab of this unit will be helpful to you. The websites listed in the Reading tab of this unit will be helpful to you. Your project should be between 500 and 900 words, double spaced, not including your title and reference page. Your project should be between 500 and 900 words, double spaced, not including your title and reference page. While no points will be deducted if APA formatting is incorrect, points can be deducted if there is no attempt to cite references. While no points will be deducted if APA formatting is incorrect, points can be deducted if there is no attempt to cite references.

6 Other Announcements Unit 6 Project due by midnight tomorrow Unit 6 Project due by midnight tomorrow Kaplan Writing Center Workshops (schedule posted in announcements) Kaplan Writing Center Workshops (schedule posted in announcements) Other important information posted in the course announcements – please read Other important information posted in the course announcements – please read Any questions, concerns, issues? Any questions, concerns, issues?

7 Crime and Delinquency Chapter 9 Crime and Delinquency

8 Myth or Fact? Many crimes are committed by people who are otherwise considered quite respectable by themselves and others. Many crimes are committed by people who are otherwise considered quite respectable by themselves and others. Crimes are committed by the less educated people of society. FactMyth

9 Explanations of Crime Biological explanations view crime as arising from people’s physical constitution or genetic makeup. Psychological explanations view crime as being linked to personality disorders or maladjustments, often developing during childhood.

10 Crime and Crime Data Crime Crime an act that violates a criminal code enacted by an officially constituted political authority. an act that violates a criminal code enacted by an officially constituted political authority. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) publishes an annual document called the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), which summarizes the crime statistics collected by law enforcement agencies each month publishes an annual document called the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), which summarizes the crime statistics collected by law enforcement agencies each month

11 Types of Crime Juvenile Delinquency Victimless Crime White-Collar Crime Organized Crime Property Crime Violent Crime

12 Crime Rate in the U.S. According to the FBI, According to the FBI, the crime and delinquency rates in the U.S. have been rising for a number of decades the crime and delinquency rates in the U.S. have been rising for a number of decades the rise appears to have leveled off in the 1980s and declined somewhat since the early 1990s. the rise appears to have leveled off in the 1980s and declined somewhat since the early 1990s. Increases may reflect a likelihood to report crime rather than a increase in the incidence of crime. Increases may reflect a likelihood to report crime rather than a increase in the incidence of crime.

13 Who are the Criminals? Gender Gender Males have higher rates of involvement in practically all forms of criminality. Males have higher rates of involvement in practically all forms of criminality. Age Age Teens have considerably higher rates of involvement. Teens have considerably higher rates of involvement. Socioeconomic Status Socioeconomic Status The relationship between socioeconomic status and crime is probably more complicated and may be weak. The relationship between socioeconomic status and crime is probably more complicated and may be weak. Race Race Differences in arrest rates between racial groups exist; however, they may merely reflect criminal justice biases, such as the likelihood of arrest. Differences in arrest rates between racial groups exist; however, they may merely reflect criminal justice biases, such as the likelihood of arrest.

14 Who are the Victims? Twenty-three out of every one thousand Americans are crime victims each year. Twenty-three out of every one thousand Americans are crime victims each year. Race and sex affect rates of victimization with males and blacks considerably more likely to be victims. Race and sex affect rates of victimization with males and blacks considerably more likely to be victims. Offenders are often the victims of other criminals. Offenders are often the victims of other criminals.

15 The Criminal Justice System The Police The Police The police have much discretion and do not receive the support of the public or the court. The police have much discretion and do not receive the support of the public or the court. The courts The courts There is substantial case attrition following arrest. There is substantial case attrition following arrest. Plea bargaining is involved in over 90% of all convictions for criminal offenses. Plea bargaining is involved in over 90% of all convictions for criminal offenses.

16 The Criminal Justice System Sentencing and Punishment Sentencing and Punishment The criminal justice system has become more punitive as seen in “three-strikes” legislation, and “blended sentencing.” The criminal justice system has become more punitive as seen in “three-strikes” legislation, and “blended sentencing.” The Prisons The Prisons The rate of incarceration has quadrupled since 1975. The rate of incarceration has quadrupled since 1975. Prison overcrowding makes it harder to achieve the goal of rehabilitation. Prison overcrowding makes it harder to achieve the goal of rehabilitation.

17 Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2009 FIGURE 9.5 Sentenced Prisoners in State and Federal Institutions, 1925-2005

18 Future Prospects To control crime, social reforms that have an impact on the social conditions that cause crime are needed. To control crime, social reforms that have an impact on the social conditions that cause crime are needed. The legalization of some crimes would free police to deal with the more serious crimes. The legalization of some crimes would free police to deal with the more serious crimes. The police could institute new law enforcement procedures that would allow them to capture the most serious offenders. The police could institute new law enforcement procedures that would allow them to capture the most serious offenders. The courts could be made more effective through judicial reform. The courts could be made more effective through judicial reform.

19 Future Prospects Alternatives to prison and prison reform could be enacted to improve the effectiveness of social control mechanisms. Alternatives to prison and prison reform could be enacted to improve the effectiveness of social control mechanisms. There could also be a reduction in the environmental opportunities to commit crimes. There could also be a reduction in the environmental opportunities to commit crimes. More opportunities for victim restitution could be established through programs and policies. More opportunities for victim restitution could be established through programs and policies.

20 Discussion Can you think of any ideas for alternatives to prison to improve the effectiveness of social control mechanisms? In other words – what else could we do with criminals to deter crime and maintain social order besides sending them to prison? Can you think of any ideas for alternatives to prison to improve the effectiveness of social control mechanisms? In other words – what else could we do with criminals to deter crime and maintain social order besides sending them to prison?

21 Chapter 10 Alcohol and Drugs

22 Myth or Fact? Heroin addicts are as likely to be high on alcohol as heroin when they commit crimes. Heroin addicts are as likely to be high on alcohol as heroin when they commit crimes. The most serious drug problem in the U.S. is the flow of heroin, cocaine and marijuana from overseas. Myth Fact

23 What is a Drug? A drug is any substance that, when consumed, alters one or more of the functions of the human body. A drug is any substance that, when consumed, alters one or more of the functions of the human body.

24 The Social Costs of Drug Abuse Accidents Accidents Alcohol consumption is associated with fatal traffic, airplane and occupational accidents. Alcohol consumption is associated with fatal traffic, airplane and occupational accidents. Crime Crime In most major cities over half the people arrested for all crimes test positive for some illegal drugs. In most major cities over half the people arrested for all crimes test positive for some illegal drugs.

25 The Social Costs of Drug Abuse Family Problems Family Problems Alcoholics are seven times more likely to become separated or divorced from their spouses. Alcoholics are seven times more likely to become separated or divorced from their spouses. Studies find that 29-71% of spouse abusers were drinkers at the time of the attack. Studies find that 29-71% of spouse abusers were drinkers at the time of the attack.

26 The Social Costs of Drug Abuse Work Problems Work Problems People who abuse alcohol have higher rates of absenteeism, are more likely to jump between jobs, are more likely to be fired and are more likely to be involved in workplace accidents. People who abuse alcohol have higher rates of absenteeism, are more likely to jump between jobs, are more likely to be fired and are more likely to be involved in workplace accidents. Health Problems Health Problems Most psychoactive drugs that are taken in large quantities produce severe health effects and even death. Most psychoactive drugs that are taken in large quantities produce severe health effects and even death.

27 Extent of Drug Abuse in the U.S. Alcohol Alcohol Alcoholism is the consumption of alcohol at a level that produces serious personal, social, or health consequences. Alcoholism is the consumption of alcohol at a level that produces serious personal, social, or health consequences. People with certain social characteristics are more likely to become alcoholic. People with certain social characteristics are more likely to become alcoholic. Rates of alcoholism vary by gender, age, religion and socioeconomic status. Rates of alcoholism vary by gender, age, religion and socioeconomic status.

28 Extent of Drug Abuse in the U.S. Types of Drugs Marijuana Stimulants Depressants Narcotics Hallucinogens

29 FIGURE 10.4 Percentage of People Who Have Used Any Illicit Drugs in the Past Month, by Age, 1980-2005

30 Biological & Psychological Explanations Biological explanations Biological explanations suggest that hereditary factors may be involved in people’s proneness to addiction to various drugs suggest that hereditary factors may be involved in people’s proneness to addiction to various drugs Psychological explanations Psychological explanations suggest that abuse arises from some psychological process or is the result of some emotional or personality disorder suggest that abuse arises from some psychological process or is the result of some emotional or personality disorder

31 Future Prospects Drug abuse is a serious and complex problem for which there is not an easy answer. Drug abuse is a serious and complex problem for which there is not an easy answer. Some programs can help mitigate some of its more serious consequences. Some programs can help mitigate some of its more serious consequences. Prohibition Prohibition Legalization Legalization Prevention Prevention Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Behavior Modification Behavior Modification

32 Discussion We learned in this presentation that juveniles are at a high risk for both drug/alcohol abuse and crime. We learned in this presentation that juveniles are at a high risk for both drug/alcohol abuse and crime. What do you think are the contributing factors to juvenile delinquency and what can you do or have you done in your community to help youth move away from criminal behavior? What do you think are the contributing factors to juvenile delinquency and what can you do or have you done in your community to help youth move away from criminal behavior?

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