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Inventory of Past Experiences and Opportunities1.1 1.2Learning about Yourself 1.3Seize the Moment There Is a Leader in You.

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Presentation on theme: "Inventory of Past Experiences and Opportunities1.1 1.2Learning about Yourself 1.3Seize the Moment There Is a Leader in You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventory of Past Experiences and Opportunities1.1 1.2Learning about Yourself 1.3Seize the Moment There Is a Leader in You

2 TERMSDEFINITIONS leadera person with the ability to guide others toward accomplishing a goal skilla learned ability or strength that allows an individual to do something well skill levela measure of a person’s ability, talent, or expertise in performing a task affirmationthe act of agreeing with, validating, or confirming the actions or behaviors of another person conflict resolution the ability to find acceptable solutions to problems and experiences to benefit both you and the others involved

3 1.1 Inventory of Past Experiences and Opportunities Identify your beliefs about being a leader. Describe personal qualities that result in leadership opportunities. GOALS The Gladiator Past Experiences & Opportunities

4 Beliefs About Being a Leader What do you think when you hear the word leader? A leader is someone with the ability to guide others toward accomplishing a goal.

5 Past Experiences People demonstrate leadership at an early age. You demonstrate leadership ability through many daily actions.

6 Checkpoint Q What are two beliefs that people sometimes have about leaders? They may believe that leaders must have the courage to speak in front of large groups or must wear certain clothes, come from certain homes, or have a specific appearance. A

7 Opportunities to Lead Opportunities to lead come in different ways, at different times, and for different reasons. An opportunity to lead may relate to a particular situation that matches the qualities you possess.

8 Personal Qualities That May Result in a Leadership Role Physical size Physical attractiveness Skill level Social skills Communication skills Decision-making skills Self-control skills Technical/mechanical skills Academic ability Emotional stability Honesty and truthfulness Treatment of others

9 Checkpoint Q List and describe two personal qualities that result in leadership opportunities. Qualities that may result in leadership opportunities include physical size, attractiveness, skill level, academic ability, emotional stability, honesty, and treatment of others. A

10 Workout ! Complete your: Questions on Unit 1.1 on your Unit 1 Handout.

11 1.2 Learning About Yourself Identify things about yourself that you compare to others. Identify things about yourself over which you have no control. GOALS Harry Potter Learning about yourself

12 TERMSDEFINITIONS attitudethe way you deal with and treat yourself and other people personality type an indication of how you deal with the different situations and experiences in your life introverta person who tends to focus on inner thoughts and ideas extroverta person who directs attention and interests toward the outer world of people and things behavioran action caused by or a reaction to the surrounding environment

13 TERMSDEFINITIONS risk factorssituations that could potentially increase your chances of being involved in inappropriate or dangerous behaviors protective factors situations that could potentially decrease your chances of being involved in inappropriate or dangerous behaviors (continued)

14 Comparing Yourself to Others You are who you are Self-awareness Self-image Impact of attitude and personality Attitude and personality affect how you see yourself as well as how others see you. Likewise, the way you view yourself impacts your attitude and personality.

15 Attitude Positive or negative? Your attitude is reflected in the words you choose to describe yourself. Your attitude is exhibited by the way you behave when interacting with others.

16 Personality Influences of family and environment Personality types Introvert Extrovert

17 Checkpoint Q Describe the two most common personality types? The two most common personality types are introvert and extrovert. An introvert tends to focus on inner thoughts and ideas. An extrovert directs attention and interests toward the outer world of people and things. A

18 Seeing and Being You As your self-awareness and self-image increase, you will likely want to make changes to improve yourself. In order to do this, you must be able to distinguish between those things that are less significant, such as physical appearance, and those things that matter more, such as behavior.

19 Physical Appearance No dress code or uniform for leaders Many influences on what you wear Wardrobe inventory

20 Behavior Risk factors Protective factors

21 Checkpoint Q Why is behavior important in dealing with others and their selection of you as a leader? Behavior is important in dealing with others because individuals who display proper behavior are the ones who will be asked to take on leadership roles. A

22 Workout ! Complete your: Where you Stand… Complete part of the survey – find your group – answer the questions – have a spokes-person for your group – write all your answers down Complete your: UNIT 1.2 Worksheet

23 1.3 Seize the Moment Describe how you can create a new vision. Explain the next steps toward creating your vision. GOALS Glory Road Seize the Moment

24 TERMSDEFINITIONS visionan idea or a project that you imagine turning into reality by undergoing some type of change mythsfictional or unproven beliefs

25 New Vision Seize the moment. Declare a new level of maturity, personal satisfaction, academic achievement, and confidence. View your life from a different perspective to gain a new and enlightened vision of the leader in you.

26 Checkpoint Q What is a vision? A vision is an idea or a project that you imagine turning into reality by undergoing some type of change. A

27 Next Steps Make a decision to figure out what you really want to do and be right now. Make a plan so that you can set and reach your goals. Improve your organizational skills. Overcome the negatives of your past. Increase your level of readiness. Validate others.

28 Debunking Myths About Leaders Leaders come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, with different personality styles and attitudes. There is no official ‘‘look’’ or wardrobe or attitude for a leader. The challenge is to be the best you can be so that you can begin to see the leader in you in any given situation.

29 Checkpoint Q Describe one of the ‘‘next steps’’ in fulfilling a new vision. Next steps include figuring out what you want to do and be now, making a plan to reach your goals, improving organizational skills, overcoming negatives in your past, increasing your level of readiness, and validating others. A

30 Workout ! Complete your: Unit 1.3 UNIT 1: TEST Be prepared to discuss your answers on - Do you agree with this statement—“Leaders are born, and others cannot be taught the skills of leadership”?

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