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EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 ePortfolio or to carry sheets of paper - the Norwegian case Tore Hoel The Norwegian eStandards project.

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Presentation on theme: "EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 ePortfolio or to carry sheets of paper - the Norwegian case Tore Hoel The Norwegian eStandards project."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 ePortfolio or to carry sheets of paper - the Norwegian case Tore Hoel The Norwegian eStandards project

2 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 2 The Portfolio Imperative Within 2008 digital portfolio assessment should be in use at all levels of the educational system in Norway

3 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 3 And the reality in Norwegian schools? 70% store their work in digital portfolios at school Only 6% use their portfolios in their daily work 20% never look at their own work stored in the school systems in their personal portfolios

4 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 4 The HE Quality Reform from Academic year 2003-04 Less emphasis on comprehensive, final examinations, more on continuous assessment "The Quality Reform leads to changes in pedagogy, and ICT will be more actively used, e.g. by introducing virtual learning environments and digital portfolios." (PfdC)

5 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 5 Ministry of Education - budget for 2005... it is important that a pupil or an apprentice is acquainted with and makes use of portfolios in work practice as well as in assessment. The Ministry will therefore encourage to try out portfolios with external examination as an alternative to centrally given exams. Portfolio assessment means that the pupil/apprentice documents learning processes or products in a portfolio that can be uses for assessment.

6 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 6...budget for 2005 (cont.) Portfolio assessment – through a Norwegian version of the European Language Portfolio – should be a part of the assessment in foreign languages.

7 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 7 The use of portfolios – an obligation! Does curriculum require that? Soon!?? But it does not necessarily come with an e as in ePortfolio?

8 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 8 ePortfolio “state of the art” of Autumn 2004 No consensus on the definition of an ePortfolio No clear message to the tools developers All stakeholders are not onboard We are not part of the international ePortfolio movement However, according to our self image, – we could be leading the pedagogical use of portfolios

9 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 9 Portfolio trials in Norway The potential for learning drives trials and research Three types of portfolios: –Learning portfolio –Assessment portfolio –Competency portfolio

10 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 10 Instrumental vs. Constructivist The competency movement –Document competencies according to learning targets –CV and job applications Personal development through reflection - often together with fellow students and teachers –Reflexive learning and meta-cognition

11 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 11 Knowledge sharing –Networking –Transparent learning structure Not only evaluation of products, but the learning process and personal and professional development too ePortfolio methodology Teacher education, Vestfold University College

12 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 12 Open ePortfolios ”The biggest challenge is not the technical system, but the way teachers and students think – the cultural and social dimensions of using technology...” Teacher education, Vestfold University College

13 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 13 When it’s left to the vendors to define the tools... All portfolio activities has to be related to learning targets Working folder activity tracking Selection for showcasing folders/assessment folders Some meta reflection Some support for collaborative work

14 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 14 The Norwegian approach: Support learning – change assessment Onboard –Learners, teachers (?), parents (?), school administrators (?) Missing –Career planners, labour authorities, School authorities, big institutions (e.g. Health Services) –PDP (Personal Development Planning), Lifelong learning perspectives, Portfolios for application (for edu & jobs)

15 EMINENT 18-19 Nov. 2004 And that concludes the report from Norway.... Thank you!

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