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Author: Hadmaş Roxana-Maria Coauthor: Zecheru Ioana Luciana Supervisor: Prof. Dr. B ă ţaga Simona University of Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Hadmaş Roxana-Maria Coauthor: Zecheru Ioana Luciana Supervisor: Prof. Dr. B ă ţaga Simona University of Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Hadmaş Roxana-Maria Coauthor: Zecheru Ioana Luciana Supervisor: Prof. Dr. B ă ţaga Simona University of Medicine and Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine Nutrition and Dietetics Specialization 2014

2 "Health is the most beautiful and richer gift that nature is able to do. “ Michel de Montaigne

3  The World Health Organization estimates that 50% of all cases of mortality and morbidity are due to the lifestyle, in which stress has a leading role in the adoption of inappropriate behaviors (WHO, 1989).

4  Hippocrates believes that the disease is not just pain and injury (pathos) but body's effort to restore balance (ponos).Therefore, gastritis is one of the diseases which may be associated with stress.

5  The term gastritis was introduced in 1908 by Brousoas  Gastritis represents inflammations, acute or chronic, of the gastric mucosa.  May be symptomatic or asymptomatic  It may have limited evolution or may progress into serious complications

6 GastritisAcuteHemorrhagicPhlegmonousOther typesChronicMicrobianChemicalAtrophic

7  Causes: drugs, alcohol, ischemia, viral, bacterial infections, stress, shock, food poisoning, radiation, allergies or direct trauma  No specific treatment, except for the cases caused by Helicobacter pylori  Prognosis: favorable.  Treatment very effective, fast recovery.

8  The most common cause is the infection with Helicobacter pylori  Present at approximately half of the world population  May develop into gastric ulcer, gastric cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma  With proper medication favorable prognosis

9  The purpose of this study is to highlight the importance of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of chronic gastritis  Retrospective observational analytical study  Direct questionnaires: written interview with multiple choice  Indirect questionnaires: medical letters, analysis report, recipes

10  Sample of 200 persons  50% women and 50% men  From Mureș county  100 healthy, 100 diagnosed with gastritis  The mean age: 38 years.

11  30 multiple choice questions with one or more answers  Additional questions  The analysis of the health of the study participants by determining their body mass index  Identification of existing diseases and their lifestyle.  Testing the knowledge of the involvement of the diagnosis of gastritis in the individual's life

12  Prepare personalized diets  Tracking health status  The evolution of the disease compared with the diet followed  Supporting the patients and providing them guidance  Interpreting the results  Layout solutions to solve the gastric problems

13  Male patient  Age: 30 years  Weight: 73 kg  Height: 1.85 m  Moderate physical activity



16  To abort: animal fats, refined sweets, pickles, smoked foods, fried foods,irritating spices, carbonated drinks, alcohol, tobacco and coffee  Increased consumption: food fibers, fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy products and water  Respect the timetable

17  Informing the public about the implications of gastritis  High consumption of vinegar, fried food, smoked food, alcohol, tobacco, spices = gastritis  High consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy products = total or partial solving of the stomach problems

18  After 7 days of diet, followed by those surveyed, they said they felt much better both physically and mentally, they have reduced the amount of antiacid preparations used after meals.  In this 7 days of diet overweight and obese people lost weight and felt better in terms of digestion  It was not just a diet to be followed seven days introduced to the patients, but a healthy and balanced lifestyle, recommended to all

19  Is not enough that the nutritionist suggest the patients what can be done, but in addition, they must lead them to perceive the idea of change as one of quality, one that fits their needs!  Nutrition is a key factor in treating gastritis because people included in this study had positive results after only 7 days from the moment they changed their lifestyle

20  It is easier to prevent illness than to cure the disease!

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