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SISG IOAG Space Internetworking Strategy Group CNES DLR ESA JAXA NASA Geneva 09 December 2008 Report to the second Inter-Operability Plenary (IOP-2)

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Presentation on theme: "SISG IOAG Space Internetworking Strategy Group CNES DLR ESA JAXA NASA Geneva 09 December 2008 Report to the second Inter-Operability Plenary (IOP-2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SISG IOAG Space Internetworking Strategy Group CNES DLR ESA JAXA NASA IOP-2 @ Geneva 09 December 2008 Report to the second Inter-Operability Plenary (IOP-2) Space Internetworking: a recommended strategy for future international interoperability

2 2 the “Solar System Internetwork” IOP-2 (December 2008) Proposed: international commitment to end-to-end, networked cross support The Evolution of International Cross Support Significant International partnering Ad-hoc Mars cross support Mission recovery IOP-1 (June 1999) International commitment to point-to-point cross support

3 3 INTEROPERABILITY:technical capability INTEROPERABILITY: the technical capability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged Interoperability and Cross Support AB Cross Support Partner Spacecraft A Ground Station B Control Center A CROSS SUPPORT:agreement CROSS SUPPORT: an agreement between two or more organizations to exploit the technical capability of interoperability for mutual advantage, such as one organization offering support services to another in order to enhance or enable some aspect of a space mission

4 4 Resolution from IOAG-11 June 2007 The IOAG resolves to form a Space Internetworking Strategy Group to reach international consensus on a recommended approach for transitioning the participating agencies towards a future “network centric” era of space mission operations. The group will focus on the extension of internetworked services across the Solar System, including multi-hop data transfer to and from remote space locations and local networked data interchange within and among the space end systems.

5 5 Space Internetworking Strategy Group (SISG): Process  The SISG was staffed by technical experts appointed by the IOAG agencies  CNES  DLR  ESA  JAXA  NASA  The group met four times in plenary session (October 2007, March 2008, May 2008, September 2008) and during the final phase held bi- weekly videoconferences  The group’s consensus recommendations were reported to IOAG-12, September 2008 Analysis of candidate technologies Moon Mars Earth Mission Scenarios Near Earth Deep Space Recommendation: change goals and roadmap Definition of an Internetworking architectural concept Identification of need for Internetworking Characterization of interoperability today Projection of interoperability 2015-2030

6 6 Characterization of International Cross Support ~2008 Current international cross- support is primarily: Bilateral Ground-based (CCSDS ‘SLE’) Point-to-point (based on CCSDS frames) Relatively simple and static Manually configured There is no international agreement or common framework for in-space cross support or end-to- end data exchange A A B BAA CCSDS-SLE forward & return frame relaying Capable ground-based cross support Rudimentary data relay capability at Mars A B B B Mission- specific relaying A BBBAA CCSDS long-haul protocols CCSDS-SLE forward & return frame relaying CCSDS long-haul protocols CCSDS proximity protocol Mission- specific relaying

7 7 Scenario for International Cross Support ~ 2015 - 2020 Next step in cross support: Existing point-to-point SLE cross support maintained and generalized into Cross Support Transfer Services (CSTS) and Cross Support Service Management (CSSM) Basic CSTS/CSSM services deployed and partial automation in place: CFDP for file transfer Packet-based relaying Encapsulation for IP and DTN Related Navigation, Timing, EDL In-space cross support formalized, e.g., on data relays Extend international cross support agreements into space and develop new end-to- end data exchange services A A A A BB B B A B A CCSDS CSTS-based ground relaying and tracking B A B A Upgraded in-space cross support via data relays B CCSDS CSTS-based end-end data transfer and timing CCSDS CSTS-based end-end data transfer and timing CCSDS EDL A Standard in-space relaying CCSDS in-space relaying

8 8 Scenario for International Cross Support ~ 2025+ Future scenarios (e.g., ILN, ISECG) indicate that international cross- support will grow to become: Multilateral Both space and ground-based A mix of point-to-point and multipoint-to-multipoint More complex and dynamic More highly automated Emphasis on fully- standardized end-to-end networked data transfer A A A A BB B B C C C C C A B A \\\ B C C A A C B Extensive in-space cross support via data relays and planetary surface communications CCSDS end-end space networking B A B C CCSDS end-end space networking CCSDS crosslinks CCSDS surface networks

9 9 A Networked Communications Humans pre- define static routes and manually manage the Currently, end-to-end connectivity is configured manually by scheduling contacts. Humans pre- define static routes and manually manage the end-to-end data flow the networking protocol automatically makes the best routing decision - selecting the appropriate connections based on schedule information With a networked approach, the networking protocol automatically makes the best routing decision - selecting the appropriate connections based on schedule information A A A A B B B B C C C C SCHEDULEDActual A A A A A B B B B C C C C operator resources are focused on mission results, not on data management manual route reconfiguration

10 10 Evolution of Terrestrial Networking

11 11 1971 1982 1987 Today 1969 The Terrestrial Internet Global “network of networks” (millions). Based on IP "packet switching“ technology Commercial, cheap, well-tested Automated routing – low ops cost, resilient Internet packets are routed from network to network and delivered to the destination in real time. If a route cannot be found, these packets are discarded. Assumes continuous connectivity, low latency 2000 2008 2025 1960- 2000 The Space Internet Uses commercial technology where possible IP can be used only if there is a continuous, low latency end-to-end data connection; otherwise, the emerging Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) technology must be employed DTN doesn’t depend on continuous connection: instead, each network node keeps “custody” of the data as needed until it can be transferred. DTN uses a “store-and-forward” technique – information does not get lost when there is no immediate path to the destination. Automated routing reduces manual setup of data paths, speeds failure recovery (by rerouting) 2015 Networking

12 12 Initial IP + DTN operational demonstrations on ISS Early Lunar Network (ILN) + Upgraded Mars Network Mature Lunar Network + Initial Mars Network (Mars Sample Return) Notional Roadmap: Solar System Internet SSI Strategy SISGCCSDS End to End and In-Space services CFDP Space Packet Relay Encapsulation DTN and IP suites Related Navigation, Timing, EDL protocols Phased mission support infrastructure upgrades Infusion into international cooperative missions SSI capability development 2008 ~2015~20252009 201020112012~2013 SIAG SSI Architecture

13 13 Recommendations of the Strategy Group 1.IOP-2 agencies should endorse the IOAG’s plans to embark on a significant new international initiative to establish the vision and architectural framework for a Solar System Internetwork (SSI)  Space Internetworking Architecture Group (SIAG) should formalize a draft SSI Architectural Definition by October 2009 2.CCSDS agencies should begin developing the necessary suite of space internetworking standards  Standard in-space and end-to-end cross support services.  Target completion date of 2012 to support early ILN 3.IOP-2 Agencies should nominate representatives from their programs and projects to work with the SIAG to identify potential missions which may take benefit from adoption of the SSI related standards, leading to a gradual build up of SSI compatible in-space and ground-based infrastructure  Earth Network, Lunar Network and Mars Network 4.Another IOP should be convened in <5 years to review progress

14 14 SSI Solar System Internetwork IOAG Space Internetworking Strategy Group: Process and Findings

15 15 1980s1990s2000s 1. Packet TM/TC Simple routing of Space Packets over TM/TC 3. IP-based SCPS Adaptation of the “TCP/IP” stack for use near-Earth 2. Advanced Orbiting Systems (AOS) Adopted as the ISS baseline in 1989: early networked operations 5. CFDP Automated file transfer over TM/TC/AOS/Prox-1. 6. IP & DTN IP for real-time, short delay, connected environments. DTN custodial, store and forward routing for disconnected environments Background: Evolution of Space Internetworking 4. Proximity-1 & SLE Extension of TM/TC to short range orbiter-relay environments (Prox-1 protocol) and to ground network cross support (via SLE)

16 16 Projection of Cross Support: 2015-2030  Three sets of mission scenarios were analyzed:  Earth Orbiting missions  Moon Exploration  Mars Exploration Mars is representative of other deep space missions  Four clear common trends were discerned:  Increasing reliance on international cross support -- a mission- enabling capability Founded in spectrum allocation Shifting from spectrum non-interference to spectrum-sharing  Increasing dependency on data relays Bent pipe below GEO, store and forward otherwise Store and forward relays will evolve to become routing nodes on a network  Higher forward and return data rates  Shift towards networked operations Mix of multiple data types, with different service properties and multiple sources and destinations, sharing a common data communications infrastructure.

17 17 Agency “A” Ground Site Agency “B” Ground Site Agency “B” Science Orbiter Agency “B” Rover Agency “C” Rover Agency “A” Science Orbiter (Store/Forward) Agency “B” Rover DTE/DFE Proximity Surface WLAN Agency “A” Ground Site “C” “B” Agency “B” Science Orbiter Agency “A” Science Orbiter Agency “A” Comm Relay Agency “B” Rover Agency “A” Rover Agency “C” Rover Manned Rover Evolution Path Moon c. 2010 Mars c. 2020 Moon c. 2020 Mars c. 2030 Lunar + Mars Scenario: 2010-2030 Human Habitat

18 18 Agency “B” Ground Site Agency “B” Science Orbiter Agency “C” Science Orbiter Evolution Path Earth Science 2030 The Sensor Web Era Earth Orbiting (Robotic) Scenario: 2015-2030 Agency “A” Ground Site Agency “A” Science Orbiters Agency “C” Ground Site Agency “A” Ground Site Earth Science Today Only Ground Cross-support Multiple Agencies Multiple Assets Internetworked Correlates spacecraft, surface sensors Rapid, automated response to alerts Enabled by automated routing across the spacecraft RF links

19 19 The Trend Towards Internetworking: 2015-2030  The complexity of the communications topology required by future missions cannot possibly be supported by manually- configured connectivity  Drives the space community towards the need for automated routing and networking  International cross support requires a long-term space communications architecture that:  Shifts the data communications paradigm from simple point-to-point links towards a network of nodes provided and operated by different organizations  Is engineered to match the unique space environment (which may include frequent disconnections, long delays, simplex links and possibly non-contemporaneous end-to-end connectivity)  Supports a smooth evolution towards a fully internetworked configuration  The IOAG recommends that the space community should start a bold new initiative: to establish the vision and architectural framework for a Solar System Internetwork

20 20 Conceptual SSI Architecture

21 21 The Solar System Internetwork  Provides networked data communications across the Solar System  Secure, reliable, robust, end-to-end, packet based  A confederation of independent, cooperative infrastructure assets  Autonomously owned and operated by diverse space mission organizations  Provides common, cross-supported network services for the benefit of all participants  Terrestrial: ground stations, control facilities, ground data networks, etc.  In space: data relays, surface communications networks, collaborative space mission elements, etc.  Bound together by:  Statements of Intent from individual organizations to contribute infrastructure capabilities in order to support an internetworked data flow for individual missions.  Subject to bilateral or multilateral cross support agreements  Standards: An agreed set of common, extensible interoperability standards  Cross Support Services: An agreed and published catalog of commonly provided cross-support services - in space and on Earth – that are offered by individual agencies  Management Processes: An agreed set of cross-support service management processes, mechanisms and capabilities (in space and on Earth) that allow internetworked data flow to be invoked and configured  Governance mechanisms to administer the necessary core internetworking management, coordination and operations functions that enable end-to-end internetworked data communications.

22 22 Internetworking protocols for the SSI  Three internetworking protocols to support the SSI architecture have been identified.  Space Packet Continued support of conventional space missions, with fairly static connectivity  Internet Protocol (IP) To support flexible, automated routing in short-delay space mission environments with continuous end- to-end connections  Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) To support flexible, automated routing in variable delay space mission environments with no expectation of a continuous end-to-end data path Internet Protocol (IPv4/IPv6) CCSDS Link – AOS, TM, TC, Prox-1 CCSDS Encapsulation DTNSpace Packet Space Applications (CFDP, etc.)  CCSDS has defined a robust Encapsulation mechanism which allows all three of these Network layers to co-exist and be cross-supported without perturbing current space Link architectures and cross-support interfaces  Fully evolutionary approach that preserves and respects prior agency investments  Allows different protocols to be applied to different missions to accommodate changing requirements

23 23 Governance Process  A multi-agency governance process will be needed to transition to the space internetworking era  The internetwork contains a variety of client and service nodes owned and operated by multiple agencies.  Governance is anticipated to be more coordination than control  Governance examples:  Address space assignments and allocations  Mechanisms for creating service agreements and for coordinating resource scheduling and priorities  Governance will evolve, starting with some minimal governance during the nascent stage and ramping up when the internetwork matures.

24 24 Finis

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