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Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s The Mid-infrared on ELT’s MIR recommended to be essential (3 – 25µm)

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Presentation on theme: "Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s The Mid-infrared on ELT’s MIR recommended to be essential (3 – 25µm)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s The Mid-infrared on ELT’s MIR recommended to be essential (3 – 25µm)

2 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s R~300

3 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s Present MIR instruments: <8m

4 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s Sensitivity = BLIP x Site x Telescope Present MIR instruments: ≥8m 4

5 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s resolved unresolved

6 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s Wold et al. 2006 NGC 7582 NeII (12.8µm) VLT,JWST, … - ≤ 10m - unresolved ELT - > 30m - resolved

7 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s Spitzer VISIR METIS flux [ mJy]

8 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s MIR/ELT will solve host of astronomical questions by resolved spectroscopy and imaging MIR/ELT `galactic’ science cases - Life cycle of dust - Star formation - Governing disk architecture for planet formation - Dynamical history of the solar system -….

9 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s

10 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s ~13µm + solid state + PAH + atoms + ions +extinction Molecules:

11 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s TW Hya [NeII] v [km/s] Pascuci&Sterzik’09 Photoevoparative disk wind Single exposure (not with ALMA) wavelength (nm) flux N 2 O j ≤ 46 transitions

12 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s scale: --- ELT ---><---- ALMA --- - chemical structure of the disk - velocity field and turbulent disk mixing - probe pathways of planet formation

13 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s - Ground: RV studies + scattered light imaging -> Orbit parameters (M, r, ε) Transit~> atmosphere -Space: Kepler, SIM improved statistics -ELT/MIR: Resolving disk structure Velocity field Planet thermal emission Spectroscopy of bio markers

14 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s 3-5µm: ices in comets (Mumma et al.) In-situ search for prebiotic molecules Delivery to Earth via heavy bombardment? -> ELT provide event Statistics of:

15 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s Disk + planet: possible dust density (Ozernoy et al.) 20µm dust emission at 40pc (Wilner et al) JWST 30m

16 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s Debris disks with planet: beta Pic Lagrange et al. 3.6µm Telesco et al. 8-25µm ELT -> Statistics on the debris disk structure

17 Ralf Siebenmorgen MIR on ELT’s Thermal emission of a planet Pantin et al. ‘08

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