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Does Every Child Matter? Implications for ITT
Jeff Battersby School of Education and Professional Development College of St Mark & St John
The Victoria Climbié Inquiry Report of an Inquiry by Lord Laming
A post-mortem examination was carried out the following day by Dr Nathaniel Carey, a Home Office-accredited pathologist. He found the cause of death to be hypothermia, which had arisen in the context of malnourishment, a damp environment and restricted movement. He also found 128 separate injuries on Victoria's body, showing she had been beaten with a range of sharp and blunt instruments. No part of her body had been spared. Marks on her wrists and ankles indicated that her arms and legs had been tied together. It was the worst case of deliberate harm to a child he had ever seen. (The Victoria Climbié Inquiry Para 3.84, © Crown Copyright 2003)
Background to Every Child Matters
2003 Government published green paper called Every Child Matters, published alongside the formal response to the report into the death of Victoria Climbié building on existing plans to strengthen preventative services by: Increasing the focus on supporting families and carers - the most critical influence on children's lives. Ensuring necessary intervention takes place before children reach crisis point and protecting children from falling through the net . Addressing the underlying problems identified in the report into the death of Victoria Climbié - weak accountability and poor integration. Ensuring that the people working with children are valued, rewarded and trained. Following the consultation, Government published Every Child Matters: the Next Steps, and passed the Children Act 2004, providing the legislative spine for developing more effective and accessible services focused around the needs of children, young people and families. Every Child Matters: Change for Children was published in November 2004, website was launched soon afterwards at
Every Child Matters…the vision
Radical improvement in opportunities and outcomes for children, driven by whole-system reform of the delivery of children’s services. Systemic change to Build services around the child, young person and family Support parents and carers Develop the workforce, changing culture and practice and to integrate workforce Universal and targeted services Services across the age range 0-19
Every Child Matters…progress so far
Legislative foundation: the Children Act 2004 Outcomes Framework; (National Service Framework (NSF) for Children, Young People and Maternity Services) (A framework from 0-19) Cross-government change programme Building a national framework for 150 local change programmes (this reflects the 150 local authorities nationally)
Legislative Foundation for ECM Children Act 2004
Children’s Commissioner - Professor Al Aynsley Green Duty to cooperate (April 2005) to improve the well-being of children and young people The Children Act names the Local Authority, Primary Care Trust and Strategic Health Authority, Connexions Service, Youth Offending Service, Police Force, Probation Service and Learning and Skills Council as the organisations under a duty to co-operate. Duty to safeguard and promote welfare of children Duty to set up Local Safeguarding Children Boards Provision for indexes or databases to enable better sharing of information Single statutory Children and Young People’s Plan
Outcomes Framework Outcomes (consistency & flexibility)
Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Enjoy & Achieve, Make A Positive Contribution, Achieve Economic Well-being. Aims & support from parents, carers & families Data (2008 target date set on 08/12/05) Targets & Indicators – taken from the Outcomes Framework Inspection Criteria reflects ECM
The (5 key) Outcomes Framework
5 Key outcomes for children & young people
OUTCOME - BEING HEALTHY (Encompassed within the National Healthy Schools Standard) (NHSS) Personal, social & health education including sex & relationship ed Drug education (including alcohol, tobacco and volatile substance abuse) Healthy eating & lifestyles Physical activity Emotional health and well-being (including bullying) OUTCOME – STAY SAFE – (SAFEGUARDING) Safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence & sexual exploitation Accidental injury & death Bullying & discrimination Crime & anti-social behaviour in & out of school Have security & stability
5 Key outcomes for children & young people OUTCOME – ENJOY & ACHIEVE
Ready for school Attend & enjoy school Achieve standards at primary school Achieve personal & social development & enjoy recreation Achieve stretching national educational standards at secondary school OUTCOME – MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION Engage in decision making & support the community & environment Engage in law-abiding & positive behaviour in & out of school Develop positive relationships & choose not to bully or discriminate Develop self confidence & deal successfully with significant life changes & challenges Develop enterprising behaviour
5 Key outcomes for children & young people
OUTCOME – ACHIEVE ECONOMIC WELL-BEING Engage in further education, employment or training on leaving school Ready for employment Live in decent homes and sustainable communities Access to transport & material goods Live in households free from low income
What is the Common Assessment Framework?
The CAF is a new, more standardised approach to assessing a child or young person's need for services. It is for children with additional needs (i.e. those at risk of poor outcomes). It has been developed for practitioners in all agencies so that they can communicate and work together more effectively. It is particularly suitable for use in universal services, to tackle problems before they become serious. It helps practitioners identify the issues facing a child or young person who may have additional needs, in order to take appropriate action to provide them with the right kind of support. ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
What is the Common Assessment Framework?
As part of the wider programme to deliver more integrated services, CAF seeks to: Support earlier intervention Improve multi-agency working Reduce bureaucracy for families The CAF aims to help you undertake assessments in a more consistent way. In many cases it will formalise existing practice. With the right attributes and/or training, it is expected that practitioners in any agency will be capable of undertaking a common assessment. ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
What is the Common Assessment Framework?
The CAF consists of: A simple pre-assessment checklist to help you identify children who would benefit from a common assessment. The checklist can be used on its own or alongside universal assessments, such as those done by midwives and health visitors A process for undertaking a common assessment, to help you gather and understand information about the needs and strengths of the child, based on discussions with the child, their family and other practitioners as appropriate A standard form to help you record and, where appropriate, share with others the findings from the assessment in terms that are helpful in working with the family to find a response to unmet needs ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
CAF assessment elements and domains
Development of child General health, physical development & speech, language & communications development Emotional and social development Behavioural development Identity, including self-esteem, self-image and social presentation Family and social relationships Self-care skills and independence Learning understanding, reasoning and problem solving, participation in learning, education and employment, progress and achievement in learning, aspirations ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
Family and environmental
CAF assessment elements and domains Parents and carers Basic care, ensuring safety and protection Emotional warmth and stability Guidance, boundaries and stimulation Family and environmental Family history, functioning and well-being Wider family Housing, employment and financial considerations Social and community elements and resources, including education ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
Child Protection – now called Safeguarding
Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 (which came into force in 2004) introduced for the first time an explicit duty on local authorities and governing bodies of maintained schools to make arrangements to ensure that they exercise their functions with a view to safeguarding children. All schools have to appoint a designated senior person for child protection (not necessarily a teacher) to take lead responsibility for child protection issues and liaise with other agencies. ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
Behaviour Govt aims to:
raise standards of behaviour and improve school attendance in schools, making every school a place of inclusive learning in which pupils achieve their potential and have respect for others ensure all children receive a high quality education including those who have been excluded or who have fallen out of the education system engage pupils and parents more actively in behaviour and attendance in schools Through: a Behaviour Improvement Programme (BIP) which funds local authorities to specifically target behaviour and attendance in schools through multi-agency teams, known as behaviour and education support teams (BESTs) These promote emotional well-being, positive behaviour and school attendance, by identifying and supporting those with, or at risk of developing, emotional and behavioural problems. ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
Equality Schools have a general duty to ensure that education is provided without sexual or racial discrimination; schools must pay full regard to pupils' age, gender, ethnic background, aptitude, and any special educational needs or disability. Schools have a general duty to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups. They also have specific duties to prepare and maintain a race equality policy, including having arrangements in place to assess its impact on pupil attainment. ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
Children’s Trusts A 5 point conceptual model that identifies how services for children and young people can work together. An outcome-based vision for children and young people Integrated front-line delivery of services, largely through Children’s Centres and Full Services Extended Schools Integrated processes – Common Assessment Framework, Information Sharing & Assessment, and Workforce Reform Integrated strategy – new joint commissioning arrangements and an over-arching Children and Young People’s Plan Inter-agency governance arrangements – through the Children and Young People’s Partnership ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
The New Relationship with Schools
Make better use of data Secure better alignment between schools' priorities and the priorities of local and central Government Facilitate schools' involvement with local children’s trusts and help schools adapt to the multi-agency working and joint-commissioning structures being put in place under the Every Child Matters: Change for Children programme. Support the five ECM outcomes for all children: Being healthy, Staying safe, Enjoying and achieving, Making a positive contribution, Achieving economic well-being) ©Crown copyright 1995–2005 ‘Every Child Matters -
Link to the new Standards
Standards are underpinned by the 5 outcomes for children and young people identified in Every Child Matters and the Common Core of Skills and Knowledge for the Children’s Workforce The work of practicing teachers should be informed by an awareness, appropriate to their level of experience and responsibility, of legislation concerning the well being of children and young people expressed in the Disability and Discrimination Act (2005) and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA) (2001) and its associated codes of practice, the Race Relations Act as amended (2000) and the DfES guidance Safeguarding Children in Education.
Standard 2.7 (proposed) In the section of the Standards relating to Professional Knowledge and Understanding: Teachers with QTS possess the knowledge and skills essential for them to be effective classroom teachers. Understand their responsibility to make effective provision for all learners and take active practical account of the principles of equality, inclusion and diversity in their teaching Know and understand the roles of colleagues and other professionals who have specific responsibilities for learners who are gifted and talented or who have other special learning needs
Standard 3.1 (proposed) In the section of the Standards relating to Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Teachers with QTS possess the knowledge and skills essential for them to be effective classroom teachers. Work collaboratively with colleagues as appropriate to assess the learning needs of all those they teach and set them appropriate learning objectives and targets Work effectively as a team in making a positive contribution to learners’ attainment and their enjoyment of learning Ensure that colleagues working with them in the classroom are appropriately involved in formulating lesson objectives and agreeing the role(s) they are expected to fulfil
Implications for ITT Ensuring that trainees:
gain the required knowledge and skills to practise at a basic level in 6 areas of expertise - effective communication and engagement - child and young person development - safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child - supporting transitions - multi-agency working - sharing information gain the knowledge and understanding of the work of other professionals have experience of working with other professionals
What are you planning to do?
What are the specific challenges you face? How will you address these within your - course - programme - institution? What resources do you have to meet these challenges? What actions do you need to take to deliver change? How will you mange change?
How do we ensure that every child does matter?
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