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10 Fundamental Laws of Storytelling 2010 Grinspoon Institute Annual Conference November 21, 2010 * Thanks to Andy Goodman for these rules.

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Presentation on theme: "10 Fundamental Laws of Storytelling 2010 Grinspoon Institute Annual Conference November 21, 2010 * Thanks to Andy Goodman for these rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Fundamental Laws of Storytelling 2010 Grinspoon Institute Annual Conference November 21, 2010 * Thanks to Andy Goodman for these rules

2 Panelists – Thank You! Rabbi Ron KlotzDirector URJ Goldman Union Camp Institute Jodi SperlingDirector Camp Wise/Mandel JCC of Cleveland Debbie SussmanDirector Camp Yavneh Rabbi Loren SykesDirector Camp Ramah in Wisconsin Molly WernickEducational Director Habonim Dror Camp Galil

3 10 Fundamental Laws of Storytelling 1. Stories are about people. 2. The people in your story have to want something. 3. Stories need to be fixed in time and space. 4. Let your characters speak for themselves. 5. Audiences bore easily. 6. Stories speak the audience’s language. 7. Stories stir up emotions. 8. Stories don’t tell: they show. 9. Stories have at least one “moment of truth.” 10. Stories have clear meaning.

4 Stories are about people.

5 The people in your story have to want something.

6 Stories need to be fixed in time and space.

7 Let your characters speak for themselves. Camp changed me… I learned how to be a leader at camp. When I first saw my wife, we were singing my favorite camp song One time, at Jewish summer camp… As a counselor, I wanted to share everything I learned from MY counselor! The sun felt warm as we started on our journey… The smell of pine and warm embers always brings me back to camp.

8 Audiences bore easily.

9 Stories speak the audience’s language.

10 Stories stir up emotions.

11 Stories don’t tell: they show.

12 Stories have at least one “moment of truth.”

13 Stories have clear meaning.

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